Data Fields
- Enabled
- int
- Id
- int
- SiteId
- double
- Longitude_X
- double
- Latitude_Y
- double
- Height
- double
- PredictRadius
- int
- Model
- DataType
- int
- DataMode
- double
- Power
- PowerMode
- float
- TRXCableLoss
- double
- Frequency
- double
- Azimuth
- double
- Downtilt
- Type
- double
- Gain
- PolarizationMode
- float
- PolarizationAngle
- float
- PolarizationXPD
- WinProp_Pattern *
- Pattern
- WinProp_Pattern *
- PatternPolHoriz
- WinProp_NameString
- Name
- RepeaterMode
- float
- SignalAmpGain
- int
- NbrCableSegs
- CablePoints
- double
- CableLossPer100m
- double
- CouplingLoss
- double
- DistCouplingLoss
- double
- CouplingGrad
- int
- RepeaterStatus
- int
- RepeaterIndex
- int
- HeightAbsolute
- float
- RxNoiseFigure
- int
- GroupIDMounted
- const WinProp_Trajectory *
- Trajectory
- int
- NrTimeVariantSets
- WinProp_Dynamic_Antenna *
- TimeVariantSets
- int
- SignalMode
- float
- PowerConstant
- WinProp_Filename
- PowerResultFile
- int
- BandType
- int
- CarrierID
- float
- LeakageRatio
- int
- ComponentID
- double
- RxAdditionalLoss
- WinProp_Carrier
- Carriers
Detailed Description
Configuration of antenna.
Field Documentation
- Enabled
- WINPROP_ANTENNA_MODE WinProp_Antenna::Enabled
- Use transmitter or not. This parameter is influenced by the optimization module.
- ANTENNA_DISABLED = antenna disabled
- ANTENNA_ENABLED = antenna enabled
- ANTENNA_ENABLED_FIXED = antenna enabled and must not be removed during optimization
- Id
- int WinProp_Antenna::Id
- Identifier of transmitter. The identifier must be greater than zero.
- SiteId
- int WinProp_Antenna::SiteId
- Identifier of site, the transmitter belongs to. The identifier must be greater than zero.
- Longitude_X
- double WinProp_Antenna::Longitude_X
- Longitude or X coordinate of transmitter.
- Latitude_Y
- double WinProp_Antenna::Latitude_Y
- Latitude or Y coordinate of transmitter.
- Height
- double WinProp_Antenna::Height
- Height of transmitter.
- PredictRadius
- double WinProp_Antenna::PredictRadius
- Predict an area around the transmitter.
- Model
- int WinProp_Antenna::Model
- Wave propagation model used:
- WINPROP_MODEL_IRT (requires a preprocessed vector database [*.idi])
- DataType
- WINPROP_RESULT_TYPE WinProp_Antenna::DataType
- Type of result to be computed:
- DataMode
- int WinProp_Antenna::DataMode
- Type of propagation map assigned to this transmitter:
- 0 = prediction result
- 1 = interpolation result
- Power
- double WinProp_Antenna::Power
- Transmit power in dBm.
- PowerMode
- WINPROP_POWER_MODE WinProp_Antenna::PowerMode
- Power mode.
- TRXCableLoss
- float WinProp_Antenna::TRXCableLoss
- Static cable loss (dB) for transmitters not based on components
- Frequency
- double WinProp_Antenna::Frequency
- Frequency in MHz.
- Azimuth
- double WinProp_Antenna::Azimuth
- Azimuth in degrees. North over east orientation.
- Downtilt
- double WinProp_Antenna::Downtilt
- Downtilt in degrees.
- Type
- WINPROP_ANTENNA_TYPE WinProp_Antenna::Type
- Type of antenna.
- Gain
- double WinProp_Antenna::Gain
- Gain of antenna in dBi.
- PolarizationMode
- Polarization of transmitted signal see ANTENNA_POLARIZATION_MODE_ if non-full polarimetric computation
- PolarizationAngle
- float WinProp_Antenna::PolarizationAngle
- Polarization angle in deg [-90...+90] if PolarizationMode set to ANTENNA_POLARIZATION_MODE_LINEAR_ARBITRARY
- 0 = Vertical
- 90 = Horizontal
- PolarizationXPD
- float WinProp_Antenna::PolarizationXPD
- Cross polarization discrimination in dB
- Pattern
- WinProp_Pattern * WinProp_Antenna::Pattern
- Pattern of antenna total gain in case of standard project or gain for vertical polarization in case of full-polarimetric. If isotropic radiator, this can be NULL.
- PatternPolHoriz
- WinProp_Pattern * WinProp_Antenna::PatternPolHoriz
- Pattern of antenna gain for horizontal polarization in case of full-polarimetric. If isotropic radiator or standard polarimetric analysis, this can be NULL.
- Name
- WinProp_NameString WinProp_Antenna::Name
- Name of antenna. This must be unique.
- RepeaterMode
- WINPROP_REPEATER_MODE WinProp_Antenna::RepeaterMode
- Repeater mode.
- SignalAmpGain
- float WinProp_Antenna::SignalAmpGain
- Signal amplification gain (dB) in case of transparent repeater
- NbrCableSegs
- int WinProp_Antenna::NbrCableSegs
- Number of cable segments (points) in CablePoints, if radiating cable.
- CablePoints
- COORDPOINT * WinProp_Antenna::CablePoints
- Coordinates of points of radiating cable. Needs to be an array of size NbrCableSegs
- CableLossPer100m
- double WinProp_Antenna::CableLossPer100m
- Cable loss for radiating cable per 100 m in dB.
- CouplingLoss
- double WinProp_Antenna::CouplingLoss
- Coupling loss for radiating cable in dB.
- DistCouplingLoss
- double WinProp_Antenna::DistCouplingLoss
- Distance coupling loss (m) for radiating cable.
- CouplingGrad
- double WinProp_Antenna::CouplingGrad
- Gradient Coupling loss for radiating cable per 100 m in dB.
- RepeaterStatus
- int WinProp_Antenna::RepeaterStatus
- Repeater status:
- 0 = Ordinary sector
- 1 = Urban sector which feeds repeaters
- 2 = Repeater in indoor environment
- 3 = outdoor sector (considered as noise only)
- RepeaterIndex
- int WinProp_Antenna::RepeaterIndex
- If repeater (RepeaterStatus is not set to 0), this index contains the unique number of the sector.
- HeightAbsolute
- int WinProp_Antenna::HeightAbsolute
- Height definition of antenna absolute (1) or relative (0).
- RxNoiseFigure
- float WinProp_Antenna::RxNoiseFigure
- Noise figure of receiver [dB]. Only relevant for network planning (see WinProp_Net_Project_Open).
- GroupIDMounted
- int WinProp_Antenna::GroupIDMounted
- In case of a time variant prediction, ID of group where antenna is mounted. The antenna location then is moved with the same vector like the specified group.
- Trajectory
- const WinProp_Trajectory * WinProp_Antenna::Trajectory
- In case of a time variant prediction, the trajectory along which the antenna is moving. The antenna location then is moved with the same vector like the specified trajectory.
- NrTimeVariantSets
- int WinProp_Antenna::NrTimeVariantSets
- In case of a time variant prediction, number of time variant sets for the moving Tx antenna.
- TimeVariantSets
- WinProp_Dynamic_Antenna * WinProp_Antenna::TimeVariantSets
- In case of a time variant prediction, the time variant sets for the moving Tx antenna can be defined including timestep, location, orientation, velocity and moving direction.
- SignalMode
- int WinProp_Antenna::SignalMode
- Signal mode of the external site. Only relevant for external interference sites
- 0 = Constant Signal Power.
- 1 = Signal Power from a Result File.
- PowerConstant
- float WinProp_Antenna::PowerConstant
- Constant interference power level [dBm]. Only relevant for external interference sites with signal mode = 0 (Constant Signal Power).
- PowerResultFile
- WinProp_Filename WinProp_Antenna::PowerResultFile
- File name defining the interference power level. Only relevant for external interference sites with signal mode = 1 (Signal Power from a Result File).
- BandType
- int WinProp_Antenna::BandType
- Type of interference signal. Only relevant for external interference sites.
- 0 = In-band interference (interference due to an external source radiating on a carrier frequency used in the project).
- 1 = Out-of-band interference (interference due to leakage of external signals into frequency bands used in the project).
- CarrierID
- int WinProp_Antenna::CarrierID
- Identifier of the victim carrier. Only relevant for external interference sites with band type = 0 (in-band interference).
- LeakageRatio
- float WinProp_Antenna::LeakageRatio
- Leakage ratio [dB]. Only relevant for external interference sites with band type = 1 (Out-of-band interference).
- ComponentID
- int WinProp_Antenna::ComponentID
- Unique ID of antenna component in case of component based transmitter
- RxAdditionalLoss
- double WinProp_Antenna::RxAdditionalLoss
- Additional loss for UL [dB], required for components
- Carriers
- WinProp_Carrier WinProp_Antenna::Carriers
- Carriers definition, only relevant for network planning
The documentation was generated from the following file:
- source/Interface/WP_Antenna.h