
Data Fields

Detailed Description

This structure is used for the definition of the antenna pattern. It is used in WinProp_Antenna. Information: If "Filename" is not NULL, this pattern is loaded and used. If "Filename" is NULL and "NrVertical" and "NrHorizontal" is not 0, the values from the vertical and horizontal patterns are used to determine the 3D pattern. If "NrVertical" and "NrHorizontal" are 0, the values of the 3D pattern in "Gain3D" and "Phase3D" are considered. This means the following priority: Load from file => 2x2D pattern => 3D pattern.

Orientation of Antenna Pattern Orientation of pattern is as follows.
Figure 1. Vertical pattern

Figure 2. Horizontal pattern

Field Documentation

int WinProp_Pattern::Mode
Mode for data in pattern:
WinProp_Filename WinProp_Pattern::Filename
Filename of the supported antenna pattern, if it should be read from file. If this is NULL, the antenna pattern data is available in the following variables.
WinProp_Filename WinProp_Pattern::CompoFilename
Filename of the supported antenna pattern contained in the component database
int WinProp_Pattern::NrVertical
Number of points in vertical direction.
double * WinProp_Pattern::AnglesVertical
Array with angles for vertical pattern. The orientation of the antenna is described in the figure below.
double * WinProp_Pattern::GainVertical
Array with gain values (dBi) for vertical pattern.
int WinProp_Pattern::NrHorizontal
Number of points in horizontal direction.
double * WinProp_Pattern::AnglesHorizontal
Array with angles for horizontal pattern. The orientation of the antenna is described in the figure below.
double * WinProp_Pattern::GainHorizontal
Array with gain values (dBi) for horizontal pattern.
double ** WinProp_Pattern::Gain3D
Array with gain values (dBi) for 3D pattern. This array must have the exact size of 180 vertical elements and 360 horizontal elements. This means that only patterns with 1 degree resolution are supported.
double ** WinProp_Pattern::Phase3D
Array with phase values (rad) for 3D pattern. This array must have the exact size of 180 vertical elements and 360 horizontal elements. This means that only patterns with 1 degree resolution are supported.
Pattern resolution in degree, only relevant for patterns read from file (Mode is set to PATTERN_MODE_FILE).See also WINPROP_PATTERN_RESOLUTION
The documentation was generated from the following file:
  • source.eng/Interface/WP_Pattern.h