Data Fields
- double
- SBR_maxTubeArea
- int
- SBR_adaptive_maxTubeArea
- float
- SBR_trxDistTubeArea
- int
- SBR_scatteringDirections
- int
- SBR_diffractionDirections
- int
- SBR_trxDirections
- float
- SBR_resultCatchFactor
- int
- SBR_postProcessRaysWithSRT
- int
- SBR_postProcessRayMaxCombination
- int
- MaxNrReflDiffr
- int
- MaxNrDiffractions
- int
- MaxNrReflections
- int
- MaxNrTransmissions
- int
- MaxNrScatterings
- double
- ResolutionScattering
- int
- GroundScattering
- double
- ResolutionGroundScattering
- int
- GroundScattRCSCoeff
- int
- GroundInteractions
- double
- MinLengthWedges
- double
- MaxInnerAngleWedges
- int
- IgnoreAdditionalTransm
- int
- IgnoreAdditionalDiffr
- int
- IgnoreAdditionalScatt
- int
- ComputeAlwaysDirectRay
- int
- ConsiderAngleTransm
- double
- PathLossExponent
- double
- PathLossExponentBeforeLOS
- double
- PathLossExponentAfterLOS
- double
- PathLossExponentBeforeNLOS
- double
- PathLossExponentAfterNLOS
- double
- PathLossExponentSatellite
- int
- Superposition
- int
- ConsiderRCS
- int
- SRT_AZBMaxObjects
- int
- IRT_PostprocessRaysWithSRT
- int
- RCS_Para
Detailed Description
This structure is used to set the model parameters of both 3D Ray Tracing models (IRT, SRT and SBR). This structure can be passed optionally to the WinProp_Predict function. It can be initialized with default values by using WinProp_Structure_Init_Model_RayTracing.
Field Documentation
- SBR_maxTubeArea
- double Model_RAYTRACING::SBR_maxTubeArea
- Max side area of the ray tube. If the ray tube area gets larger, the ray will be split. [m]
- SBR_adaptive_maxTubeArea
- int Model_RAYTRACING::SBR_adaptive_maxTubeArea
- Adaptive ray density. If higher than zero and an antenna pattern is given, ray density will be lowered globally by the specified number of steps (SBR_maxTubeArea will be divided by 2^steps). In antenna directions with a higher gain the ray density will be increased again up to the user set density into the max gain direction.
- SBR_trxDistTubeArea
- float Model_RAYTRACING::SBR_trxDistTubeArea
- Distance after which SBR_maxTubeArea needs to be fulfilled the first time. [m]
- SBR_scatteringDirections
- int Model_RAYTRACING::SBR_scatteringDirections
- Number of directions to investigate
- SBR_diffractionDirections
- int Model_RAYTRACING::SBR_diffractionDirections
- Number of directions to investigate after a diffraction, per degree
- SBR_trxDirections
- int Model_RAYTRACING::SBR_trxDirections
- Number of directions to launch at the transmitter (set to -1 to compute it automatically)
- SBR_resultCatchFactor
- float Model_RAYTRACING::SBR_resultCatchFactor
- Scaling factor for the generated result planes
- SBR_postProcessRaysWithSRT
- int Model_RAYTRACING::SBR_postProcessRaysWithSRT
- Enable (1) or disable (0) SRT post-processing of rays found by the SBR
- SBR_postProcessRayMaxCombination
- int Model_RAYTRACING::SBR_postProcessRayMaxCombination
- Max number of SRT combinations found for a SBR ray to be post-processed
- MaxNrReflDiffr
- int Model_RAYTRACING::MaxNrReflDiffr
- Max. number of reflections and diffractions in one ray
- MaxNrDiffractions
- int Model_RAYTRACING::MaxNrDiffractions
- Max. number of diffractions in one ray
- MaxNrReflections
- int Model_RAYTRACING::MaxNrReflections
- Max. number of reflections in one ray
- MaxNrTransmissions
- int Model_RAYTRACING::MaxNrTransmissions
- Max. number of transmissions in one ray
- MaxNrScatterings
- int Model_RAYTRACING::MaxNrScatterings
- Max. number of scatterings in one ray (SRT, SBR and IRT allows only one maximum scattering).
- ResolutionScattering
- double Model_RAYTRACING::ResolutionScattering
- Tile resolution for scattering. Not relevant for IRT model.
- GroundScattering
- int Model_RAYTRACING::GroundScattering
- Allow ground scattering (in case of separate topography). Set to '1' to enable it. Not relevant for IRT model.
- ResolutionGroundScattering
- double Model_RAYTRACING::ResolutionGroundScattering
- Tile resolution at the ground for ground scattering. Not relevant for IRT model.
- GroundScattRCSCoeff
- int Model_RAYTRACING::GroundScattRCSCoeff
- Compute ground scattering based on the RCS coefficient
- GroundInteractions
- int Model_RAYTRACING::GroundInteractions
- Allow ground interactions (reflections, and diffractions) in case of vector databases (*.tdv databases). Set to '1' to enable it. Not relevant for IRT model.
- MinLengthWedges
- double Model_RAYTRACING::MinLengthWedges
- Minimal length of wedges (m) to be considered for diffractions. Not relevant for IRT model.
- MaxInnerAngleWedges
- double Model_RAYTRACING::MaxInnerAngleWedges
- Maximal inner angle of wedges (deg) to be considered for diffractions. Not relevant for IRT model.
- IgnoreAdditionalTransm
- int Model_RAYTRACING::IgnoreAdditionalTransm
- Acceleration for all rays with more than specified reflections: Ignore additional transmissions. Set to the number of reflections for which additional transmissions are allowed, -1 to disable. Not supported by IRT model.
- IgnoreAdditionalDiffr
- int Model_RAYTRACING::IgnoreAdditionalDiffr
- Acceleration for all rays with more than specified reflections: Ignore additional diffractions. Set to the number of reflections for which additional diffractions are allowed, -1 to disable. Not supported by IRT model.
- IgnoreAdditionalScatt
- int Model_RAYTRACING::IgnoreAdditionalScatt
- Acceleration for all rays with more than specified reflections: Ignore additional scattering. Set to the number of reflections for which an additional scattering is allowed, -1 to disable. Not supported by IRT model.
- ComputeAlwaysDirectRay
- int Model_RAYTRACING::ComputeAlwaysDirectRay
- Computation mode of the direct ray from Tx to Rx:
- 0 = With respect to set maximum number of transmissions
- 1 = Compute the direct ray always (even is number of transmissions is higher than allowed)
- 2 = Never compute the direct ray
- ConsiderAngleTransm
- int Model_RAYTRACING::ConsiderAngleTransm
- Consider angle dependency for computation of transmission loss.
- PathLossExponent
- double Model_RAYTRACING::PathLossExponent
- Path loss exponent for the IRT model. Not relevant for SRT & SBR model.
- PathLossExponentBeforeLOS
- double Model_RAYTRACING::PathLossExponentBeforeLOS
- Path Loss Exponent before breakpoint for LOS areas for SRT & SBR model. Not relevant for IRT model.
- PathLossExponentAfterLOS
- double Model_RAYTRACING::PathLossExponentAfterLOS
- Path Loss Exponent after breakpoint for LOS areas for SRT & SBR model. Not relevant for IRT model.
- PathLossExponentBeforeNLOS
- double Model_RAYTRACING::PathLossExponentBeforeNLOS
- Path Loss Exponent before breakpoint for NLOS areas for SRT & SBR model. Not relevant for IRT model.
- PathLossExponentAfterNLOS
- double Model_RAYTRACING::PathLossExponentAfterNLOS
- Path Loss Exponent after breakpoint for NLOS areas for SRT & SBR model. Not relevant for IRT model.
- PathLossExponentSatellite
- double Model_RAYTRACING::PathLossExponentSatellite
- Path Loss Exponent for a satellite transmitter for SRT & SBR model. Not relevant for IRT model.
- Superposition
- int Model_RAYTRACING::Superposition
- Mode for superposition of rays
- 0 = Uncorrelated
- 1 = Coherent (with phase)
- ConsiderRCS
- int Model_RAYTRACING::ConsiderRCS
- Consider the RCS if available, set to 1 to enable, 0 otherwise. Only relevant for indoor scenarios having RCS and using SRT model. Not relevant for IRT model.
- SRT_AZBMaxObjects
- int Model_RAYTRACING::SRT_AZBMaxObjects
- The maximal number of objects, for which the SRT uses a special acceleration method.
- IRT_PostprocessRaysWithSRT
- int Model_RAYTRACING::IRT_PostprocessRaysWithSRT
- Enable (1) or disable (0) SRT post-processing of rays found by the IRT
- Number of RCSs defined in the scenarios. Only relevant for indoor scenarios using SRT model. Not relevant for IRT model.
- RCS_Para
- Array of RCS parameters. Only relevant for indoor scenarios using SRT model. Not relevant for IRT model.
The documentation was generated from the following file:
- source.eng/Interface/WP_Model.h