Data Fields
- double
- DiffrLoss
- double
- DiffrOffset
- double
- DiffrBreakpoint
- double
- ExponentLOS
- double
- ExponentOLOS
- double
- ExponentNLOS
- double
- ExponentLOSafterBP
- double
- ExponentOLOSafterBP
- double
- ExponentNLOSafterBP
- int
- Waveguiding
- double
- WG_Weighting
- double
- WG_MaxDistance
- int
- AdaptiveResolution
- double
- Offset_LOS_Pixels
- double
- Offset_NonLOS_Pixels
- double
- BuildingLossPerMeter
- double
- BuildingLossDistance
- double
- BuildingLossFactor
- double
- BuildingLossMaxFresnel
- unsigned char
- ConsiderFloorsBuildings
- unsigned char
- ConsiderFloorsTrxBuilding
- unsigned char
- PathSearchSameSettings
- double
- AdditionalHeight
- double
- AdditionalHeightBuildings
- unsigned char
- IndoorExponentsSameAsUrban
Detailed Description
This structure is used to set the model parameters of the DPM (Dominant Path Model). This structure can be passed optionally to the WinProp_Predict function.
Field Documentation
- DiffrLoss
- double Model_DPM::DiffrLoss
- Maximum diffraction loss [dB] at the in DiffrBreakpoint set angle, allowed range [2, 30]
- DiffrOffset
- double Model_DPM::DiffrOffset
- Minimal diffraction loss [dB], allowed range [0, 10], must be larger than DiffrLoss
- DiffrBreakpoint
- double Model_DPM::DiffrBreakpoint
- Diffraction angle [deg] from which on the maximal diffraction loss (DiffrLoss) is considered, allowed range [70, 90]
- ExponentLOS
- double Model_DPM::ExponentLOS
- Path loss exponent LOS, allowed range [1, 10]
- ExponentOLOS
- double Model_DPM::ExponentOLOS
- Path loss exponent OLOS, allowed range [1, 10]
- ExponentNLOS
- double Model_DPM::ExponentNLOS
- Path loss exponent NLOS (only indoor), allowed range [1, 10]
- ExponentLOSafterBP
- double Model_DPM::ExponentLOSafterBP
- Path loss exponent LOS after breakpoint (only urban and rural), allowed range [1, 10]
- ExponentOLOSafterBP
- double Model_DPM::ExponentOLOSafterBP
- Path loss exponent OLOS after breakpoint (only urban and rural), allowed range [1, 10]
- ExponentNLOSafterBP
- double Model_DPM::ExponentNLOSafterBP
- Path loss exponent NLOS after breakpoint (only only indoor), allowed range [1, 10]
- Waveguiding
- int Model_DPM::Waveguiding
- Waveguiding, set to 1 to enable, 0 otherwise.
- WG_Weighting
- double Model_DPM::WG_Weighting
- Weighting factor for waveguiding in the range (0,1).See also Waveguiding
- WG_MaxDistance
- double Model_DPM::WG_MaxDistance
- Distance [m] for waveguiding consideration, allowed range [0, 100]See also Waveguiding
- AdaptiveResolution
- int Model_DPM::AdaptiveResolution
- Adaptive resolution factor. A value greater 0 activates the adaptive resolution. Upper limit is 4.
- Offset_LOS_Pixels
- double Model_DPM::Offset_LOS_Pixels
- Offset to be added to all LOS pixels, allowed range [-100, 100]
- Offset_NonLOS_Pixels
- double Model_DPM::Offset_NonLOS_Pixels
- Offset to be added to all Non-LOS pixels, allowed range [-100, 100]
- BuildingLossPerMeter
- double Model_DPM::BuildingLossPerMeter
- Attenuation [dB/m] for path over rooftops, allowed range [0, 10]
- BuildingLossDistance
- double Model_DPM::BuildingLossDistance
- Distance [m] to a roof, a ray needs to travel within to apply BuildingLossPerMeter, allowed range [0.1, 15]
- BuildingLossFactor
- double Model_DPM::BuildingLossFactor
- Factor for switching between more empirical over roof top loss computation and a obstacle within fresnel zone strategy.
- 0.0 = empirical strategy is being used (based on pixels within BuildingLossDistance over a roof)
- 1.0 = strategy based on obstacles within a fresnel zone
- 0.5 = both strategies being equally used
- BuildingLossMaxFresnel
- double Model_DPM::BuildingLossMaxFresnel
- The added loss if an obstacle completely blocks the fresnel zone
- ConsiderFloorsBuildings
- unsigned char Model_DPM::ConsiderFloorsBuildings
- Boolean to use floors in buildings, set to 1 to enable, 0 otherwise. Only relevant for indoor scenarios not required for urban scenarios.
- ConsiderFloorsTrxBuilding
- unsigned char Model_DPM::ConsiderFloorsTrxBuilding
- Boolean to use floors in building with Tx, set to 1 to enable, 0 otherwise. Only relevant for indoor scenarios not required for urban scenarios.
- PathSearchSameSettings
- unsigned char Model_DPM::PathSearchSameSettings
- Set to 1 to consider the set exponents and the set diffraction loss also for the DPM path search.
- AdditionalHeight
- double Model_DPM::AdditionalHeight
- Additional height for pixels within topography in case of prediction on absolute height. Needed to get path traveling across the topography, pixels will not be contained in the results (as they're within the topography). Needs to be larger than zero.
- AdditionalHeightBuildings
- double Model_DPM::AdditionalHeightBuildings
- Additional height for pixels within buildings. Needed to get paths traveling across buildings. If WinProp_ParaMain::BuildingsIndoorCoverage is set to COVERAGEINDOOR_ONROOF, the pixels will be contained in the result. Needs to be larger than zero.
- IndoorExponentsSameAsUrban
- unsigned char Model_DPM::IndoorExponentsSameAsUrban
- Boolean to use the urban exponents also for indoor prediction in CNP Hybrid Urban/Indoor (CNP) projects, set to 1 to enable, 0 otherwise. Only relevant for Hybrid Urban/Indoor (CNP) projects, not required indoor scenarios.
The documentation was generated from the following file:
- source.eng/Interface/WP_Model.h