
Data Fields

Detailed Description

Parameter for the irregular terrain model (ITM, Longley-Rice) model.

Remark Structure can be initialized with default values by using the function WinProp_Structure_Init_Model_RuralITM.

Field Documentation

double Model_RuralITM::Time
Represents the fraction of time during which the losses are less than the calculated loss., allowed range [0.01 to 0.99]
double Model_RuralITM::Location
Represents the fraction of locations at which the losses are less than the calculated loss, allowed range [0.01 to 0.99]
int Model_RuralITM::VariabilityMode
Variability mode
  • 0 = single message mode
  • 1 = accidental mode
  • 2 = mobile mode
  • 3 = broadcast mode
int Model_RuralITM::TxSiteCriteria
Transmitter site criteria describing the care taken at each terminal to assure good propagation conditions
  • 0 = random
  • 1 = careful
  • 2 = very careful
int Model_RuralITM::RxSiteCriteria
Receiver site criteria describing the care taken at each terminal to assure good propagation conditions
  • 0 = random
  • 1 = careful
  • 2 = very careful
double Model_RuralITM::TerrainIrregularity
Terrain irregularity describing the roughness of the terrain [m]
int Model_RuralITM::Mode
Computation mode
  • 0 = point to point mode
  • 1 = area mode
int Model_RuralITM::ClimateCode
Climate code
  • 0 = equatorial (Congo)
  • 1 = continental subtropical (Sudan)
  • 2 = maritime subtropical (West coast of Africa)
  • 3 = desert (Sahara)
  • 4 = continental temperate
  • 5 = maritime temperate, over land (United Kingdom and continental west coasts)
  • 6 = maritime temperate, over sea
double Model_RuralITM::CurvatureRadiusFactor
Factor for the radius of the earth
int Model_RuralITM::GroundPropertiesMode
Electrical properties of the ground
  • 0 = Default ground properties as defined in Conductivity and Dielectricity
  • 1 = Ground properties as defined in clutter classes
double Model_RuralITM::Conductivity
Default conductivity of the ground [S/m] (relevant if GroundPropertiesMode is set to 0)
double Model_RuralITM::Dielectricity
Default dielectricity of the ground (relevant if GroundPropertiesMode is set to 0)
double Model_RuralITM::Reliability
Level of reliability. Reliability refers to a measure of the variability that a radio system observes during its use, allowed range [0.01 to 0.99]
double Model_RuralITM::Confidence
Level of confidence. Confidence refers to the variability that remains after specifying reliability, allowed range [0.01 to 0.99]
The documentation was generated from the following file:
  • source.eng/Interface/WP_Model.h