Data Fields
- int
- AddGaussian
- int
- UseStatisticlModel
- float
- LocationPercent
- int
- PropEnvironment
- int
- PropModel
- int
- PropSituation
- int
- LosMode
- int
- TrafficMode
- int
- IgnoreBreakPoint
- float
- AdditionalLoss
- int
- UseSiteGeneral
Detailed Description
This structure is used to set the parameters of ITU-R P.1411 model.
Remark Structure can be initialized with default values by using the function WinProp_Structure_Init_Model_UrbanITU1411.
Field Documentation
- AddGaussian
- int Model_UrbanITU1411::AddGaussian
- Add Gaussian random distribution with a specific standard deviation (according to the propagation environment and to the propagation situation) to the predicted loss. Only relevant for site-general models.
- 0 = disabled
- 1 = enabled
- UseStatisticlModel
- int Model_UrbanITU1411::UseStatisticlModel
- Use a statistical model to determine LOS/NLOS region Determination mode of LOS/NLOS regions instead. Only relevant for site-general models
- 0 = disabled (the building data will be used to determine LOS/NLOS regions)
- 1 = enabled (the statistical model will be used to determine LOS/NLOS regions)
- LocationPercent
- float Model_UrbanITU1411::LocationPercent
- Location percentage for the statistical model. Only relevant for site-general models that use the statistical model to determine LOS/NLOS regions.
- PropEnvironment
- int Model_UrbanITU1411::PropEnvironment
- Propagation environment
- 0 = Urban very high rise
- 1 = Urban / Urban high rise
- 2 = SubUrban / Urban low rise
- 3 = Residential
- PropModel
- int Model_UrbanITU1411::PropModel
- Propagation models
- 0 = Site-specific
- 1 = Site-general
- PropSituation
- int Model_UrbanITU1411::PropSituation
- Propagation situation in Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) configurations
- 0 = Propagation over roof-tops
- 1 = Propagation within street canyons
- 2 = Propagation near street level
- 3 = Auto detection
- LosMode
- int Model_UrbanITU1411::LosMode
- Calculation mode in Line-of-Sight (LOS) configurations. Only relevant for site-specific models.
- 0 = Lower bound
- 1 = Upper bound
- 2 = Median value
- TrafficMode
- int Model_UrbanITU1411::TrafficMode
- Traffic mode (affects the break-point distance). Only relevant if break-point distance is considered.
- 0 = Light
- 1 = Heavy
- IgnoreBreakPoint
- int Model_UrbanITU1411::IgnoreBreakPoint
- Ignore break-point distance
- 0 = disabled (the break-point distance is considered)
- 1 = enabled (the break-point distance is ignored)
- AdditionalLoss
- float Model_UrbanITU1411::AdditionalLoss
- Additional loss in dB. Only applied if the transmitter is located inside a building.
- UseSiteGeneral
- int Model_UrbanITU1411::UseSiteGeneral
- Use site general models to complete site specific models if the site-specific gives unpredicted pixel. Only relevant for site-specific models.
- 0 = disabled
- 1 = enabled
The documentation was generated from the following file:
- source.eng/Interface/WP_Model.h