MbdPlots (hwx.inspire.motion.MbdPlots)#

class MbdPlots(analysis=None)#

Bases: object

Plot definitions created by objects in MbdModel.py Used by the PlotManager

Method Table#



connector (self, **kwds)

delete (self)

displacement (self, **kwds)

flexPart (self)

force (self, **kwds)

getComponent (self, name)

getPlotForObject (self, obj, index=None)

Return the last plot displayed for the specified object

getPlots (self, obj=None)

Return a list of plots for the specified object or

implicitJoint (self, requestPrefix)

part (self)

partAngularDisplacement (self, **kwds)

populate (self)

setPlotForObject (self, obj, plot)

What plot should be displayed next time the Popout/Callout.plot is called?

signal (self)

A special container for output signals is created.

torque (self, **kwds)

velocity (self, **kwds)


from hwx import inspire
from hwx.inspire import motion

model = inspire.openTutorialFile("Motion/M01_FourBar.stmod")
spring = model.getChild('Coil Spring 1')

analysis = motion.MbdAnalysis()

plots = motion.MbdPlots().getPlots(spring)
plot = plots[0].plot()

Return a list of plots for the specified object or a dict of plots keyed to the plottable Inspire objects

getPlotForObject(obj, index=None)#

Return the last plot displayed for the specified object

For example: If the user selects a Part to plot, using the ContextMenu replaces the plot with the Parts velocity plot, next time he picks a Part to plot, he gets that Part velocity plot

setPlotForObject(obj, plot)#

What plot should be displayed next time the Popout/Callout.plot is called?


A special container for output signals is created. Note that for some entities (e.g. Joint) there is already a menuContainer defined to store the multiple results from a single inspire object (Pin that yields 2 mbd joints)