Implicit (hwx.inspire.implicit)#
- class Implicit(assembly=None)#
Implicit modelling represents geometry as a field and is highly efficient in terms of computation and rendering. Users can design very intricate geometries, such as lattices, whilst exploiting exceptional robustness during Boolean operations, offsets, shells, fillets, etc. It also enables field-driven design, where geometry can be tightly controlled using relationships with other geometry, simulation results, custom equations, and much more.
# Name
# Name
(self, bodyA)Implicit absolute value operation.
(self, bodyA)Implicit Trigonometry ACos operation.
(self, bodyA)Implicit Trigonometry ACosh operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Add operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Vector Add operation.
(self, bodyA)Implicit Trigonometry ASin operation.
(self, bodyA)Implicit Trigonometry ASinh operation.
(self, bodyA)Implicit Trigonometry ATan operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Trigonometry ATan2 operation.
(self, bodyA)Implicit Trigonometry ATanh operation.
(self, bodyA)Implicit ceil operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB, bodyC)Implicit clamp operation.
(self, targets, transition=’SHARP’, transitionValue=0.002, transitionField=None)The Combine tool is a Boolean Union operation between implicit bodies.
(self, value)Implicit constant.
(self, part)The Convert tool accepts geometry in BRep or surface mesh formats and
(self, bodyA)Implicit Trigonometry Cos operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit 2D Vector creation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB, bodyC)Implicit 3D Vector creation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB, bodyC, bodyD)Implicit 3D Vector creation.
(self, positionX=0, positionY=0, positionZ=0, normalX=0, normalY=0, normalZ=0)Tool to create axis implicit body.
(assembly=None)Creates Implicit blank part in space.
(self, length=0.05, thickness=0.02, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)Tool to create capsule implicit body.
(self, radius=0.05, height=0.1, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)Tool to create cone implicit body.
(self, x=0.1, y=0.1, z=0.1, uniform=True, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)Tool to create cubical implicit body.
(self, customUnitCell, minBounds, maxBounds)Custom Implicit Body capability is available through the Python API.
(self, radius=0.05, height=0.1, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)Tool to create cylindrical implicit body.
(self, drivingObject, inputRangeMin=0, inputRangeMax=1, clamp=False, unitType=’Unitless’, outputRangeMin=0, outputRangeMax=1)The Field tool is used to construct a field from a source that is not yet
(self, startX=0, startY=0, startZ=0, endX=0, endY=0, endZ=0, thickness=0)Tool to create line implicit body.
(self, radius=0.05, thickness=0.02, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)Tool to create pellet implicit body.
(self, innerRadius=0.02, outerRadius=0.05, height=0.1, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)Tool to create torus implicit body.
(self, positionX=0, positionY=0, positionZ=0, normalX=0, normalY=0, normalZ=0)Tool to create plane implicit body.
(self, x=0, y=0, z=0)Tool to create point implicit body.
(self, radius=0.05, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)Tool to create spherical implicit body.
(self, innerRadius=0.02, outerRadius=0.05, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)Tool to create torus implicit body.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Cross Vector creation.
(self, targets, tools, transition=’SHARP’, transitionValue=0.002, transitionField=None)The difference tool is used to cut ‘tool’ implicit bodies from ‘target’
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Distance Vector creation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Divide operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Dot Vector creation.
(self)Implicit Euler’s number(E).
(self, body, filterName=’Filter’, retain=False, angleReference=None, angleValue=’LESS_THAN’, lowerAngle=45, lowerAngleField=None, upperAngle=60, upperAngleField=None)Filter edges from the Point-Edge set by checking their angle relative to
(self, body, filterName=’Filter’, retain=False, boundingBody=None, nodeCheck=’ALL’, midpointCheck=True)Filter edges from the Point-Edge set by checking if either end or an
(self, body, filterName=’Filter’, retain=False, referenceField=None, fieldValue=’LESS_THAN’, nodeCheck=’ALL’, midpointCheck=True, lowerValue=0.05, lowerValueField=None, upperValue=0.1, upperValueField=None)Filter edges from the Point-Edge set by interrogating the field value at
(self, body, filterName=’Filter’, retain=False, lengthValue=’LESS_THAN’, lowerLength=0.01, lowerLengthField=None, upperLength=0.02, upperLengthField=None)Filter edges from the Point-Edge set by checking their length against an
(self, body, filterName=’Filter’, retain=False, angleReference=None, angleValue=’LESS_THAN’, lengthValue=’LESS_THAN’, lowerLength=0.01, lowerLengthField=None, upperLength=0.02, upperLengthField=None, lowerAngle=45, lowerAngleField=None, upperAngle=60, upperAngleField=None)Filter edges from the Point-Edge set using a combined length and angle
(self)Contextmanager to group multiple updates for performance.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit equal to operation.
(self, body, type=’ROUNDS’, filletRadius=0.002, roundRadius=0.002)The Fillet tool applies a circular fillet of defined radius to sharp
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Floor Division operation.
(self, bodyA)Implicit fraction operation.
(self, body, hollow=False, solidRegion=False, coordinateSystemType=’CARTESIAN’, localOrigin=None, strutDiameter=0.005, strutDiameterField=None, strutInnerDiameter=0.003, strutInnerDiameterField=None, shell=False, combine=False, shellDirection=’OUTWARD’, shellThicknessIn=0.1, shellThicknessInField=None, shellThicknessOut=0.1, shellThicknessOutField=None, trimmingBody=None, combineBody=None, transition=’SHARP’, distance=0.01, distanceField=None, verts=None, beams=None)Strut lattices are constructed from nodes and these nodes are connected
(self, name)To get the implicit bodies based on their names.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit greater or equal to operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit greater than operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB, bodyC)Implicit if operation.
(self, targets, tools, transition=’SHARP’, transitionValue=0.002, transitionField=None)The Intersection tool is used to find volumes of overlap between two or
(self, body)The Invert tool swaps the convention of ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ for an
(self, bodyA)Implicit Length Vector creation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit less or equal to operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit less than operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB=None)Implicit min operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB=None)Implicit min operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Mod operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB, morphValue=0.5, morphValueField=None)The Morph tool performs a morphing operation between two implicit
(self, body, position)The Move Bodies tool is used to transform implicit bodies in terms of
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Multiply operation.
(self, bodyA)Implicit Normalize Vector creation.
(self, body, direction=’OUTWARD’, outwardOffset=0.01, outwardOffsetField=None, inwardOffset=0.01, inwardOffsetField=None, shell=False)The Offset tool can be used to inwardly (negative) or outwardly
(self)Implicit pi.
(self, body, unitCellType=’HEXAGON’, solidRegion=False, coordinateSystemType=’CARTESIAN’, localOriginX=0, localOriginY=0, localOriginZ=0, localOrigin=None, thickness=0.005, thicknessField=None, unitCellSize=False, uniform=True, unitCellSizeX=4, unitCellSizeXField=None, unitCellSizeY=4, unitCellSizeYField=None, planeVectorX=0, planeVectorY=0, planeVectorZ=1, shell=False, combine=False, shellDirection=’OUTWARD’, shellThicknessIn=0.1, shellThicknessInField=None, shellThicknessOut=0.1, shellThicknessOutField=None, trimmingBody=None, combineBody=None, transition=’SHARP’, distance=0.01, distanceField=None)Planar lattices are 2.5 dimensional cellular structures, with a clearly
(self, points, weights, interpolation=’INVERSE_DISTANCE’, exponent=2)Create a custom implicit field or geometry from a set of points with
(self, body, pointsGenerationMethod=’UNIFORM_RANDOM’, containment=True, seed=0, pointCount=200, minSpacing=0.02, minSpacingField=None, pointSet=None, edgesGenerationMethod=’VALENCE’, valence=4.0, valenceField=None, edgeSet=None)A point-edge set is a graph comprising points that are (optionally)
(self, body, filterName=’Filter’, retain=False, boundingBody=None)Filter points from the Point-Edge set by checking if they fall inside a
(self, body, filterName=’Filter’, retain=False, referenceField=None, fieldValue=’LESS_THAN’, lowerValue=0.05, lowerValueField=None, upperValue=0.1, upperValueField=None)Filter points from the Point-Edge set by interrogating the field value at
(self, body, filterName=’Filter’, retain=False, valenceValue=’LESS_THAN’, valence=0.05, valenceField=None, upperValue=0.1, upperValueField=None)Filter points from the Point-Edge set by checking the number of edges
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Power operation.
(self, body)Remap is a general field of scalar values into a signed distance field.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Scale Vector creation.
(self, bodyA)Implicit sign operation.
(self, bodyA)Implicit Trigonometry Sin operation.
(self, body, type=’GAUSSIAN’, width=1, iterations=1, strength=100)The Smooth tool is used to reduce the size of, or remove, unwanted small
(self, bodyA)Implicit sqrt operation.
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit step operation.
(self, body, hollow=False, solidRegion=False, strutDiameter=0.005, strutDiameterField=None, strutInnerDiameter=0.003, strutInnerDiameterField=None, shell=False, combine=False, shellDirection=’OUTWARD’, shellThicknessIn=0.1, shellThicknessInField=None, shellThicknessOut=0.1, shellThicknessOutField=None, trimmingBody=None, combineBody=None, transition=’SHARP’, distance=0.01, distanceField=None)Stochastic lattice is built by thickening a point-edge set, which is a
(self, body, unitCellType=’CORNERDIAGONAL’, hollow=False, solidRegion=False, coordinateSystemType=’CARTESIAN’, localOriginX=0, localOriginY=0, localOriginZ=0, localOrigin=None, strutDiameter=0.005, strutDiameterField=None, strutInnerDiameter=0.003, strutInnerDiameterField=None, unitCellSize=False, uniform=True, cellSizeX=4, cellSizeY=4, cellSizeZ=4, shell=False, combine=False, shellDirection=’OUTWARD’, shellThicknessIn=0.1, shellThicknessInField=None, shellThicknessOut=0.1, shellThicknessOutField=None, trimmingBody=None, combineBody=None, transition=’SHARP’, distance=0.01, distanceField=None, unitCellName=None, nodes=None, connectivity=None)Strut lattices are constructed from nodes and these nodes are connected
(self, bodyA, bodyB)Implicit Subtract operation.
(self, body, unitCellType=’GYROID’, surfaceType=True, solidRegion=False, coordinateSystemType=’CARTESIAN’, localOriginX=0, localOriginY=0, localOriginZ=0, localOrigin=None, density=0.5, densityField=None, bias=0.5, unitCellSize=False, uniform=True, cellSizeX=4, cellSizeXField=None, cellSizeY=4, cellSizeYField=None, cellSizeZ=4, cellSizeZField=None, shell=False, combine=False, shellDirection=’OUTWARD’, shellThicknessIn=0.1, shellThicknessInField=None, shellThicknessOut=0.1, shellThicknessOutField=None, trimmingBody=None, combineBody=None, transition=’SHARP’, distance=0.01, distanceField=None)Surface lattices are cellular structures constructed from one or
(self, bodyA)Implicit Trigonometry Tan operation.
(self, bodyA, index)Implicit vector element creation.
(self)Implicit X Reference.
(self)Implicit Y Reference.
(self)Implicit Z Reference.
from hwx import inspire inspire.newModel() # Creating Implicit blank part. implicitPart = inspire.Implicit() = "Implicit Part1" # Creating Cuboid primitive in implicit part. implicitPart.createCuboid(x="300 mm", originX=0.5) # Creating Cuboid primitive in implicit part. cuboid1 = implicitPart.createCuboid(x="200 mm") # Creating Sphere primitive in implicit part. sphere = implicitPart.createSphere(radius="200 mm", originX=1) # Creating Planar Lattice with sphere implicitPart.planarLattice(sphere, thickness=0.01, unitCellType= "DIAMOND") print("Planar Lattice has been created using implicit sphere body.") # Creating Cylinder primitive in implicit part. cylinder = implicitPart.createCylinder(height="300 mm", radius="150 mm", originX=1.5) # Smooth operation on cylinder. implicitPart.smooth(cylinder, width=2) print("Smooth has been created from Cylinder with round fillet type.") # Offset operation on cuboid . implicitPart.offset(cuboid1, outwardOffset=0.1) print("Offset has been created from Cuboid in outward direction.") # Creating Surface Lattice with cuboid cuboid = implicitPart.bodies[0] implicitPart.surfaceLattice(cuboid, density=0.3) print("Surface Lattice has been created using implicit cuboid body.") # Updating Surface Lattice. with implicitPart.edit(): surfaceLattice = implicitPart.bodies[-1] surfaceLattice.density = 0.6 surfaceLattice.solidRegion = True inspire.fitView()
- getBody(name)#
To get the implicit bodies based on their names.
- property visualizationQuality#
Returns the visualization quality of implicit part from the GUI.
- property bodies#
“Returns list of implicit bodies.
- edit()#
Contextmanager to group multiple updates for performance.
- createSphere(radius=0.05, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)#
Tool to create spherical implicit body.
- Parameters:
radius (float | str) – Radius of the spherical implicit object.
originX (float | str) – Origin value in X direction.
originY (float | str) – Origin value in Y direction.
originZ (float | str) – Origin value in Z direction.
- Returns:
The newly created Sphere object.
- Return type:
- createCuboid(x=0.1, y=0.1, z=0.1, uniform=True, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)#
Tool to create cubical implicit body.
- Parameters:
x (float | str) – Length of cuboid.
y (float | str) – Breadth of cuboid.
z (float | str) – Height of cuboid.
uniform (bool) – If True, all sides are equal.
originX (float | str) – Origin value in X direction.
originY (float | str) – Origin value in Y direction.
originZ (float | str) – Origin value in Z direction.
- Returns:
The newly created Cuboid object.
- Return type:
- createCylinder(radius=0.05, height=0.1, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)#
Tool to create cylindrical implicit body.
- Parameters:
radius (float | str) – Radius of the cylindrical implicit object.
height (float | str) – Height of the cylindrical implicit object.
originX (float | str) – Origin value in X direction.
originY (float | str) – Origin value in Y direction.
originZ (float | str) – Origin value in Z direction.
- Returns:
The newly created Cylinder object.
- Return type:
- createTorus(innerRadius=0.02, outerRadius=0.05, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)#
Tool to create torus implicit body.
- Parameters:
innerRadius (float | str) – Inner Radius of the torus implicit object.
outerRadius (float | str) – Outer Radius of the torus implicit object.
originX (float | str) – Origin value in X direction.
originY (float | str) – Origin value in Y direction.
originZ (float | str) – Origin value in Z direction.
- Returns:
The newly created Torus object.
- Return type:
- createCone(radius=0.05, height=0.1, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)#
Tool to create cone implicit body.
- Parameters:
radius (float | str) – Radius of the cone implicit object.
height (float | str) – Height of the cone implicit object.
originX (float | str) – Origin value in X direction.
originY (float | str) – Origin value in Y direction.
originZ (float | str) – Origin value in Z direction.
- Returns:
The newly created Cone object.
- Return type:
- createPipe(innerRadius=0.02, outerRadius=0.05, height=0.1, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)#
Tool to create torus implicit body.
- Parameters:
innerRadius (float | str) – Inner Radius of the pipe implicit object.
outerRadius (float | str) – Outer Radius of the pipe implicit object.
height (float | str) – Height of the pipe implicit object.
originX (float | str) – Origin value in X direction.
originY (float | str) – Origin value in Y direction.
originZ (float | str) – Origin value in Z direction.
- Returns:
The newly created Pipe object.
- Return type:
- createCapsule(length=0.05, thickness=0.02, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)#
Tool to create capsule implicit body.
- Parameters:
length (float | str) – Length of the capsule implicit object.
thickness (float | str) – Thickness of the capsule implicit object.
originX (float | str) – Origin value in X direction.
originY (float | str) – Origin value in Y direction.
originZ (float | str) – Origin value in Z direction.
- Returns:
The newly created Capsule object.
- Return type:
- createPellet(radius=0.05, thickness=0.02, originX=0, originY=0, originZ=0)#
Tool to create pellet implicit body.
- Parameters:
radius (float | str) – Radius of the pellet implicit object.
thickness (float | str) – Thickness of the pellet implicit object.
originX (float | str) – Origin value in X direction.
originY (float | str) – Origin value in Y direction.
originZ (float | str) – Origin value in Z direction.
- Returns:
The newly created Pellet object.
- Return type:
- createPoint(x=0, y=0, z=0)#
Tool to create point implicit body.
- Parameters:
x (float | str) – Value in X direction for implicit point body.
y (float | str) – Value in Y direction for implicit point body.
z (float | str) – Value in Z direction for implicit point body.
- Returns:
The newly created Point object.
- Return type:
- createAxis(positionX=0, positionY=0, positionZ=0, normalX=0, normalY=0, normalZ=0)#
Tool to create axis implicit body.
- Parameters:
positionX (float | str) – Position value in X direction for implicit axis body.
positionY (float | str) – Position value in Y direction for implicit axis body.
positionZ (float | str) – Position value in Z direction for implicit axis body.
normalX (float | str) – Normal value in X direction for implicit axis body.
normalY (float | str) – Normal value in Y direction for implicit axis body.
normalZ (float | str) – Normal value in Z direction for implicit axis body.
- Returns:
The newly created Axis object.
- Return type:
- createLine(startX=0, startY=0, startZ=0, endX=0, endY=0, endZ=0, thickness=0)#
Tool to create line implicit body.
- Parameters:
startX (float | str) – Start point value in X direction for implicit line body.
startY (float | str) – Start point value in Y direction for implicit line body.
startZ (float | str) – Start point value in Z direction for implicit line body.
endX (float | str) – End point value in X direction for implicit line body.
endY (float | str) – End point value in Y direction for implicit line body.
endZ (float | str) – End point value in Z direction for implicit line body.
thickness (float | str) – Thickness of the line.
- Returns:
The newly created Line object.
- Return type:
- createPlane(positionX=0, positionY=0, positionZ=0, normalX=0, normalY=0, normalZ=0)#
Tool to create plane implicit body.
- Parameters:
positionX (float | str) – Position value in X direction for implicit plane body.
positionY (float | str) – Position value in Y direction for implicit plane body.
positionZ (float | str) – Position value in Z direction for implicit plane body.
normalX (float | str) – Normal value in X direction for implicit plane body.
normalY (float | str) – Normal value in Y direction for implicit plane body.
normalZ (float | str) – Normal value in Z direction for implicit plane body.
- Returns:
The newly created Plane object.
- Return type:
- convertToImplicit(part)#
The Convert tool accepts geometry in BRep or surface mesh formats and converts into Altair’s implicit geometry format. The output is typically a Signed Distance Field (SDF) for the converted geometry.
- Parameters:
part (Part) – Part to be converted in implicit object.
- Returns:
The newly created ConvertToImplicit object.
- Return type:
- createCustomImplicitBody(customUnitCell, minBounds, maxBounds)#
Custom Implicit Body capability is available through the Python API. Here, we create a 3D voxel grid within a bounding box, and then populates each voxel (grid point) with a scalar value to create the field for the geometry. The computation of the scalar values is executed in user-defined Python scripts (including imported libraries, if needed). In this sense, the Custom Implicit Body makes Inspire Implicit Modelling infinitely customisable and extensible.
- Parameters:
customUnitCell (Body) – Custom unit cell, created through implicit math functions.
minBounds (math.Point) – Minimum custom bounds for custom implicit body.
maxBounds (math.Point) – Maximum custom bounds for custom implicit body.
- Returns:
The newly created CustomBody object.
- Return type:
- createField(drivingObject, inputRangeMin=0, inputRangeMax=1, clamp=False, unitType='Unitless', outputRangeMin=0, outputRangeMax=1)#
The Field tool is used to construct a field from a source that is not yet described in a field format and/or remap field values to different ranges. A field is a 3D grid, and each grid point contains a signed scalar value.
- Parameters:
drivingObject (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
inputRangeMin (float | str) – Input Range minimum distance.
inputRangeMax (float | str) – Input Range maximum distance.
clamp (bool) – If True, it limits the values to between the range instead of extrapolating beyond the range otherwise not.
unitType (str) – Unit type for output range. - Length - Angle - Unitless - Percent
outputRangeMin (float | str) – Minimum output range.
outputRangeMax (float | str) – Maximum output range.
- Returns:
The newly created Field object.
- Return type:
- surfaceLattice(body, unitCellType='GYROID', surfaceType=True, solidRegion=False, coordinateSystemType='CARTESIAN', localOriginX=0, localOriginY=0, localOriginZ=0, localOrigin=None, density=0.5, densityField=None, bias=0.5, unitCellSize=False, uniform=True, cellSizeX=4, cellSizeXField=None, cellSizeY=4, cellSizeYField=None, cellSizeZ=4, cellSizeZField=None, shell=False, combine=False, shellDirection='OUTWARD', shellThicknessIn=0.1, shellThicknessInField=None, shellThicknessOut=0.1, shellThicknessOutField=None, trimmingBody=None, combineBody=None, transition='SHARP', distance=0.01, distanceField=None)#
Surface lattices are cellular structures constructed from one or sometimes two surfaces. Rather than tiling/patterning a base unit cell, the natural repetition of the surfaces creates a lattice-like structure automatically. Popular examples are Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces (TPMS), such as the Gyroid.
- Parameters:
body (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
surfaceType (bool) – If True, Surface type will be Single otherwise Double.
solidRegion (bool) – if True, solid region of surface is inverted otherwise regular.
coordinateSystemType (str) – Surface Lattice Layout. - CARTESIAN - CYLINDRICAL - SPHERICAL
localOriginX (float | str) – Local origin x direction value for surface lattice.
localOriginY (float | str) – Local origin y direction value for surface lattice.
localOriginZ (float | str) – Local origin z direction value for surface lattice.
localOrigin (math.Matrix44) – Local origin for the surface lattice.
density (float | str) – Density for surface lattice. Value range from 0 to 100.
densityField (Field) – Density field input, if density is not provided.
bias (float | str) – Bias for surface lattice. Applicable only when surfaceType is Double.
unitCellSize (bool) – If True, Unit cell size will be Absolute otherwise Cell Count.
uniform (bool) – If True, Unit cell will be uniform otherwise not.
cellSizeX (float | str) – Cell size for surface lattice in X direction.
cellSizeXField (Field) – Cell size field input, if cellSizeX not provided.
cellSizeY (float | str) – Cell size for surface lattice in Y direction.
cellSizeYField (Field) – Cell size field input, if cellSizeY not provided.
cellSizeZ (float | str) – Cell size for surface lattice in Z direction.
cellSizeZField (Field) – Cell size field input, if cellSizeZ not provided.
shell (bool) – It’s a outer body option. If True, outer body of surface lattice will be shell otherwise not.
combine (bool) – It’s a outer body option. If True, outer body of surface lattice will be combine otherwise not. At a time only one option can be true among combine and shell option.
shellDirection (str) – Shell Direction. - OUTWARD - INWARD - BOTH - SYMMETRY
shellThicknessIn (float | str) – Shell thickness inward for outer body of surface lattice.
shellThicknessInField (Field) – Shell inward thickness field input, if shellThicknessIn is not provided.
shellThicknessOut (float | str) – Shell thickness outward for outer body of surface lattice.
shellThicknessOutField (Field) – Shell outward thickness field input, if shellThicknessOut is not provided.
trimmingBody (Body) – Trim implicit body for surface lattice.
combineBody (Body) – Combine implicit body for surface lattice.
transition (str) – Transition type for outer body options. - SHARP - FILLET - CHAMFER
distance (float | str) – Distance for outer body options.
distanceField (Field) – Distance field input, if distance is not provided.
- Returns:
The newly created SurfaceLattice object.
- Return type:
- planarLattice(body, unitCellType='HEXAGON', solidRegion=False, coordinateSystemType='CARTESIAN', localOriginX=0, localOriginY=0, localOriginZ=0, localOrigin=None, thickness=0.005, thicknessField=None, unitCellSize=False, uniform=True, unitCellSizeX=4, unitCellSizeXField=None, unitCellSizeY=4, unitCellSizeYField=None, planeVectorX=0, planeVectorY=0, planeVectorZ=1, shell=False, combine=False, shellDirection='OUTWARD', shellThicknessIn=0.1, shellThicknessInField=None, shellThicknessOut=0.1, shellThicknessOutField=None, trimmingBody=None, combineBody=None, transition='SHARP', distance=0.01, distanceField=None)#
Planar lattices are 2.5 dimensional cellular structures, with a clearly defined 2D cross-section that is drawn or extruded along the third dimension. A popular example is a honeycomb structure.
- Parameters:
body (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
unitCellType (str) – UnitCellType for planar lattice. - HEXAGON - DIAMOND - RECTANGLE - TRIANGLE - ISOGRID - CIRCLE
coordinateSystemType (str) – Planar Lattice Layout. - CARTESIAN - CYLINDRICAL - SPHERICAL
solidRegion (bool) – if True, solid region of planar is inverted otherwise regular.
localOriginX (float | str) – Local origin x direction value for planar lattice.
localOriginY (float | str) – Local origin y direction value for planar lattice.
localOriginZ (float | str) – Local origin z direction value for planar lattice.
localOrigin (math.Matrix44) – Local origin for the planar lattice.
thickness (float | str) – Cell thickness of planar lattice.
thicknessField (Field) – Thickness field input, if thickness is not provided.
unitCellSize (bool) – If True, Unit cell size will be Absolute otherwise Cell Count.
uniform (bool) – If True, Unit cell will be uniform otherwise not.
unitCellSizeX (float | str) – Unit cell size value in X direction.
unitCellSizeXField (Field) – Unit cell size field in X direction, if unitCellSizeX is not provided.
unitCellSizeY (float | str) – Unit cell size value in Y direction.
unitCellSizeYField (Field) – Unit cell size field in Y direction, if unitCellSizeY is not provided.
planeVectorX (float | str) – Plane vector value in X direction.
planeVectorY (float | str) – Plane vector value in Y direction.
planeVectorZ (float | str) – Plane vector value in Z direction.
shell (bool) – It’s a outer body option. If True, outer body of planar lattice will be shell otherwise not.
combine (bool) – It’s a outer body option. If True, outer body of planar lattice will be combine otherwise not. At a time only one option can be true among combine and shell option.
shellDirection (str) – Shell Direction. - OUTWARD - INWARD - BOTH - SYMMETRY
shellThicknessIn (float | str) – Shell thickness inward for outer body of planar lattice.
shellThicknessInField (Field) – Shell inward thickness field input, if shellThicknessIn is not provided.
shellThicknessOut (float | str) – Shell thickness outward for outer body of planar lattice.
shellThicknessOutField (Field) – Shell outward thickness field input, if shellThicknessOut is not provided.
trimmingBody (Body) – Trim implicit body for planar lattice.
combineBody (Body) – Combine implicit body for planar lattice.
transition (str) – Transition type for outer body options. - SHARP - FILLET - CHAMFER
distance (float | str) – Distance for outer body options.
distanceField (Field) – Distance field input, if distance is not provided.
- Returns:
The newly created PlanarLattice object.
- Return type:
- strutLattice(body, unitCellType='CORNERDIAGONAL', hollow=False, solidRegion=False, coordinateSystemType='CARTESIAN', localOriginX=0, localOriginY=0, localOriginZ=0, localOrigin=None, strutDiameter=0.005, strutDiameterField=None, strutInnerDiameter=0.003, strutInnerDiameterField=None, unitCellSize=False, uniform=True, cellSizeX=4, cellSizeY=4, cellSizeZ=4, shell=False, combine=False, shellDirection='OUTWARD', shellThicknessIn=0.1, shellThicknessInField=None, shellThicknessOut=0.1, shellThicknessOutField=None, trimmingBody=None, combineBody=None, transition='SHARP', distance=0.01, distanceField=None, unitCellName=None, nodes=None, connectivity=None)#
Strut lattices are constructed from nodes and these nodes are connected by beams. Typically, there is a base unit cell that is tiled/patterned in one, two, or three dimensions to form the overall lattices structure. A popular example is the Body Centred Cubic lattice.
- Parameters:
body (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
hollow (bool) – if True, Strut surface type will be hollow otherwise solid.
solidRegion (bool) – if True, solid region of strut is inverted otherwise regular.
coordinateSystemType (str) – Strut Lattice Layout. - CARTESIAN - CYLINDRICAL - SPHERICAL
localOriginX (float | str) – Local origin x direction value for strut lattice.
localOriginY (float | str) – Local origin y direction value for strut lattice.
localOriginZ (float | str) – Local origin z direction value for strut lattice.
localOrigin (math.Matrix44) – Local origin for the strut lattice.
strutDiameter (float | str) – Strut thickness of struct lattice.
strutDiameterField (Field) – Strut diameter field input, if strutDiameter is not provided.
strutInnerDiameter (float | str) – Shell thickness of strut lattice if it is hollow.
strutInnerDiameterField (Field) – Strut inner diameter field input, if strutInnerDiameter is not provided.
unitCellSize (bool) – If True, Unit cell size will be Absolute otherwise Cell Count.
uniform (bool) – If True, Unit cell will be uniform otherwise not.
cellSizeX (float | str) – Cell size for strut lattice in X direction.
cellSizeY (float | str) – Cell size for strut lattice in Y direction.
cellSizeZ (float | str) – Cell size for strut lattice in Z direction.
shell (bool) – It’s a outer body option. If True, outer body of strut lattice will be shell otherwise not.
combine (bool) – It’s a outer body option. If True, outer body of strut lattice will be combine otherwise not. At a time only one option can be true among combine and shell option.
shellDirection (str) – Shell Direction. - OUTWARD - INWARD - BOTH - SYMMETRY
shellThicknessIn (float | str) – Shell thickness inward for outer body of strut lattice.
shellThicknessInField (Field) – Shell inward thickness field input, if shellThicknessIn is not provided.
shellThicknessOut (float | str) – Shell thickness outward for outer body of strut lattice.
shellThicknessOutField (Field) – Shell outward thickness field input, if shellThicknessOut is not provided.
trimmingBody (Body) – Trim implicit body for strut lattice.
combineBody (Body) – Combine implicit body for strut lattice.
transition (str) – Transition type for outer body options. - SHARP - FILLET - CHAMFER
distance (float | str) – Distance for outer body options.
distanceField (Field) – Distance field input, if distance is not provided.
unitCellName (str) – Name of the custom unit cell for strut lattice.
nodes (list[math.Point]) – Node list of the custom unit cell for strut lattice.
connectivity (list[int]) – Connectivity of the custom unit cell for strut lattice.
- Returns:
The newly created StrutLattice object.
- Return type:
- generalStrutLattice(body, hollow=False, solidRegion=False, coordinateSystemType='CARTESIAN', localOrigin=None, strutDiameter=0.005, strutDiameterField=None, strutInnerDiameter=0.003, strutInnerDiameterField=None, shell=False, combine=False, shellDirection='OUTWARD', shellThicknessIn=0.1, shellThicknessInField=None, shellThicknessOut=0.1, shellThicknessOutField=None, trimmingBody=None, combineBody=None, transition='SHARP', distance=0.01, distanceField=None, verts=None, beams=None)#
Strut lattices are constructed from nodes and these nodes are connected by beams. Typically, there is a base unit cell that is tiled/patterned in one, two, or three dimensions to form the overall lattices structure. A popular example is the Body Centred Cubic lattice.
- Parameters:
body (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
hollow (bool) – if True, Strut surface type will be hollow otherwise solid.
solidRegion (bool) – if True, solid region of strut is inverted otherwise regular.
coordinateSystemType (str) – Strut Lattice Layout. - CARTESIAN - CYLINDRICAL - SPHERICAL
localOrigin (math.Matrix44) – Local origin for the strut lattice.
strutDiameter (float | str) – Strut thickness of struct lattice.
strutDiameterField (Field) – Strut diameter field input, if strutDiameter is not provided.
strutInnerDiameter (float | str) – Shell thickness of strut lattice if it is hollow.
strutInnerDiameterField (Field) – Strut inner diameter field input, if strutInnerDiameter is not provided.
shell (bool) – It’s a outer body option. If True, outer body of strut lattice will be shell otherwise not.
combine (bool) – It’s a outer body option. If True, outer body of strut lattice will be combine otherwise not. At a time only one option can be true among combine and shell option.
shellDirection (str) – Shell Direction. - OUTWARD - INWARD - BOTH - SYMMETRY
shellThicknessIn (float | str) – Shell thickness inward for outer body of strut lattice.
shellThicknessInField (Field) – Shell inward thickness field input, if shellThicknessIn is not provided.
shellThicknessOut (float | str) – Shell thickness outward for outer body of strut lattice.
shellThicknessOutField (Field) – Shell outward thickness field input, if shellThicknessOut is not provided.
trimmingBody (Body) – Trim implicit body for strut lattice.
combineBody (Body) – Combine implicit body for strut lattice.
transition (str) – Transition type for outer body options. - SHARP - FILLET - CHAMFER
distance (float | str) – Distance for outer body options.
distanceField (Field) – Distance field input, if distance is not provided.
verts (list[math.Point]) – Node list of the custom unit cell for strut lattice.
beams (list[int]) – Connectivity of the custom unit cell for strut lattice.
- Returns:
The newly created GeneralStrutLattice object.
- Return type:
- stochasticStrutLattice(body, hollow=False, solidRegion=False, strutDiameter=0.005, strutDiameterField=None, strutInnerDiameter=0.003, strutInnerDiameterField=None, shell=False, combine=False, shellDirection='OUTWARD', shellThicknessIn=0.1, shellThicknessInField=None, shellThicknessOut=0.1, shellThicknessOutField=None, trimmingBody=None, combineBody=None, transition='SHARP', distance=0.01, distanceField=None)#
Stochastic lattice is built by thickening a point-edge set, which is a graph of points that are connected by edges. If the points are randomly arranged and/or the edges between them are randomly created, this creates a stochastic (randomized) lattice structure.
- Parameters:
body (PointEdgeSet | PointEdgeSetFilter) – PointEdgeSet body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
hollow (bool) – if True, Stochastic surface type will be hollow otherwise solid.
solidRegion (bool) – if True, solid region of strut is inverted otherwise regular.
strutDiameter (float | str) – Stochastic thickness of struct lattice.
strutDiameterField (Field) – Stochastic diameter field input, if strutDiameter is not provided.
strutInnerDiameter (float | str) – Shell thickness of strut lattice if it is hollow.
strutInnerDiameterField (Field) – Stochastic inner diameter field input, if stochastic is not provided.
shell (bool) – It’s a outer body option. If True, outer body of stochastic lattice will be shell otherwise not.
combine (bool) – It’s a outer body option. If True, outer body of stochastic lattice will be combine otherwise not. At a time only one option can be true among combine and shell option.
shellDirection (str) – Shell Direction. - OUTWARD - INWARD - BOTH - SYMMETRY
shellThicknessIn (float | str) – Shell thickness inward for outer body of stochastic lattice.
shellThicknessInField (Field) – Shell inward thickness field input, if shellThicknessIn is not provided.
shellThicknessOut (float | str) – Shell thickness outward for outer body of stochastic lattice.
shellThicknessOutField (Field) – Shell outward thickness field input, if shellThicknessOut is not provided.
trimmingBody (Body) – Trim implicit body for stochastic lattice.
combineBody (Body) – Combine implicit body for stochastic lattice.
transition (str) – Transition type for outer body options. - SHARP - FILLET - CHAMFER
distance (float | str) – Distance for outer body options.
distanceField (Field) – Distance field input, if distance is not provided.
- Returns:
The newly created StochasticStrutLattice object.
- Return type:
- pointEdgeSet(body, pointsGenerationMethod='UNIFORM_RANDOM', containment=True, seed=0, pointCount=200, minSpacing=0.02, minSpacingField=None, pointSet=None, edgesGenerationMethod='VALENCE', valence=4.0, valenceField=None, edgeSet=None)#
A point-edge set is a graph comprising points that are (optionally) connected by edges. Point-edge sets can be thickened into strut lattices.
- Parameters:
body (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
pointsGenerationMethod (str) – Points Generation Method. - UNIFORM_RANDOM - MIN_SPACING - IMPORT
containment (bool) – If true, containment is ‘Body’ otherwise ‘Bound’.
seed (float | str) – Seed value for point set.
pointCount (int | str) – Number of point for ‘UNIFORM RANDOM’ method in point set.
minSpacing (float | str) – Minimum spacing for ‘MIN SPACING’ method in point set.
minSpacingField (Field) – Minimum spacing field input, if minSpacingField is not provided.
pointSet (list[math.Point]) – A list of positional coordinates contained within the point set.
edgesGenerationMethod (str) – Edges Generation Method. - POINT_CLOUD - VALENCE - DELAUNAY - IMPORT
valence (float | str) – Valence value for edge set.
valenceField (Field) – Valence field input, if valence is not provided.
edgeSet (list[int]) – A list of positional coordinates contained within the point set.
- Returns:
The newly created PointEdgeSet object.
- Return type:
- pointSetBoundingBodyFilter(body, filterName='Filter', retain=False, boundingBody=None)#
Filter points from the Point-Edge set by checking if they fall inside a bounding body.
- Parameters:
body (PointEdgeSet | PointEdgeSetFilter) – Implicit PointEdgeSet or any point edge set filters, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
filterName (str) – Name of the point set filter.
retain (bool) – If True, Filter reject is selected otherwise filter pass.
boundingBody (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
- The newly created PointSetBoundingBodyFilter
- Return type:
- pointSetFieldValueFilter(body, filterName='Filter', retain=False, referenceField=None, fieldValue='LESS_THAN', lowerValue=0.05, lowerValueField=None, upperValue=0.1, upperValueField=None)#
Filter points from the Point-Edge set by interrogating the field value at the point’s location in a user-specified field, and applying (in)equality or range constraints to determine whether to keep/remove points.
- Parameters:
body (PointEdgeSet | PointEdgeSetFilter) – Implicit PointEdgeSet or any point edge set filters, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
filterName (str) – Name of the point set filter.
retain (bool) – If True, Filter reject is selected otherwise filter pass.
referenceField (Field) – Implicit Field body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
lowerValue (float | str) – Lower value for point set.
lowerValueField (Field) – Lower value field input, if lowerValue is not provided.
upperValue (float | str) – Upper value for point set.
upperValueField (Field) – Upper value field input, if upperValue is not provided.
- Returns:
- The newly created PointSetFieldValueFilter
- Return type:
- pointSetValenceFilter(body, filterName='Filter', retain=False, valenceValue='LESS_THAN', valence=0.05, valenceField=None, upperValue=0.1, upperValueField=None)#
Filter points from the Point-Edge set by checking the number of edges incident on that point, and applying (in)equality or range constraints to determine whether to keep/remove points.
- Parameters:
body (PointEdgeSet | PointEdgeSetFilter) – Implicit PointEdgeSet or any point edge set filters, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
filterName (str) – Name of the point set filter.
retain (bool) – If True, Filter reject is selected otherwise filter pass.
valenceValue (str) – Valence value for filter. - LESS_THAN - LESS_OR_EQUAL - EQUAL - NOT_EQUAL - GREATER_OR_EQUAL - GREATER_THAN - BETWEEN - NOT_BETWEEN
valence (float | str) – Valence value for point set.
valenceField (Field) – Valence value field input, if valence is not provided.
upperValue (float | str) – Upper value for point set.
upperValueField (Field) – Upper value field input, if upperValue is not provided.
- Returns:
- The newly created PointSetValenceFilter
- Return type:
- edgeSetBoundingBodyFilter(body, filterName='Filter', retain=False, boundingBody=None, nodeCheck='ALL', midpointCheck=True)#
Filter edges from the Point-Edge set by checking if either end or an optional mid-point along the edge fall outside a bounding body.
- Parameters:
body (PointEdgeSet | PointEdgeSetFilter) – Implicit PointEdgeSet or any point edge set filters, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
filterName (str) – Name of the edge set filter.
retain (bool) – If True, Filter reject is selected otherwise filter pass.
boundingBody (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
nodeCheck (str) – Nodecheck values. - ALL - ANY
midpointCheck (bool) – If True, its on otherwise off.
- Returns:
- The newly created EdgeSetBoundingBodyFilter
- Return type:
- edgeSetLengthFilter(body, filterName='Filter', retain=False, lengthValue='LESS_THAN', lowerLength=0.01, lowerLengthField=None, upperLength=0.02, upperLengthField=None)#
Filter edges from the Point-Edge set by checking their length against an (in)equality or range constraint.
- Parameters:
body (PointEdgeSet | PointEdgeSetFilter) – Implicit PointEdgeSet or any point edge set filters, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
filterName (str) – Name of the edge set filter.
retain (bool) – If True, Filter reject is selected otherwise filter pass.
lowerLength (float | str) – Lower length for edge set.
lowerLengthField (Field) – Lower length field input, if lowerLength is not provided.
upperLength (float | str) – Upper length for edge set.
upperLengthField (Field) – Upper length field input, if upperLength is not provided.
- Returns:
- The newly created EdgeSetLengthFilter
- Return type:
- edgeSetAngleFilter(body, filterName='Filter', retain=False, angleReference=None, angleValue='LESS_THAN', lowerAngle=45, lowerAngleField=None, upperAngle=60, upperAngleField=None)#
Filter edges from the Point-Edge set by checking their angle relative to a reference feature against an (in)equality or range constraint.
- Parameters:
body (PointEdgeSet | PointEdgeSetFilter) – Implicit PointEdgeSet or any point edge set filters, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
filterName (str) – Name of the edge set filter.
retain (bool) – If True, Filter reject is selected otherwise filter pass.
angleReference (Axis | Line | Plane) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
lowerAngle (float | str) – Lower angle for edge set.
lowerAngleField (Field) – Lower angle field input, if lowerAngle is not provided.
upperAngle (float | str) – Upper angle for edge set.
upperAngleField (Field) – Upper angle field input, if upperAngle is not provided.
- Returns:
- The newly created EdgeSetAngleFilter
- Return type:
- edgeSetFieldValueFilter(body, filterName='Filter', retain=False, referenceField=None, fieldValue='LESS_THAN', nodeCheck='ALL', midpointCheck=True, lowerValue=0.05, lowerValueField=None, upperValue=0.1, upperValueField=None)#
Filter edges from the Point-Edge set by interrogating the field value at either end or an optional mid-point along the edge against a user-specified field, and applying (in)equality or range constraints to determine whether to keep/remove points.
- Parameters:
body (PointEdgeSet | PointEdgeSetFilter) – Implicit PointEdgeSet or any point edge set filters, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
filterName (str) – Name of the edge set filter.
retain (bool) – If True, Filter reject is selected otherwise filter pass.
referenceField (Field) – Implicit Field body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
nodeCheck (str) – Nodecheck values. - ALL - ANY
midpointCheck (bool) – If True, its on otherwise off.
lowerValue (float | str) – Lower value for edge set.
lowerValueField (Field) – Lower value field input, if lowerValue is not provided.
upperValue (float | str) – Upper value for edge set.
upperValueField (Field) – Upper value field input, if upperValue is not provided.
- Returns:
- The newly created EdgeSetFieldValueFilter
- Return type:
- edgeSetManufacturabilityFilter(body, filterName='Filter', retain=False, angleReference=None, angleValue='LESS_THAN', lengthValue='LESS_THAN', lowerLength=0.01, lowerLengthField=None, upperLength=0.02, upperLengthField=None, lowerAngle=45, lowerAngleField=None, upperAngle=60, upperAngleField=None)#
Filter edges from the Point-Edge set using a combined length and angle filter that considers maximum self-supporting edge length at a given angle of overhang with respect to a reference feature.
- Parameters:
body (PointEdgeSet | PointEdgeSetFilter) – Implicit PointEdgeSet or any point edge set filters, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
filterName (str) – Name of the edge set filter.
retain (bool) – If True, Filter reject is selected otherwise filter pass.
angleReference (Axis | Line | Plane) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
lowerLength (float | str) – Lower length for edge set.
lowerLengthField (Field) – Lower length field input, if lowerLength is not provided.
upperLength (float | str) – Upper length for edge set.
upperLengthField (Field) – Upper length field input, if upperLength is not provided.
lowerAngle (float | str) – Lower angle for edge set.
lowerAngleField (Field) – Lower angle field input, if lowerAngle is not provided.
upperAngle (float | str) – Upper angle for edge set.
upperAngleField (Field) – Upper angle field input, if upperAngle is not provided.
- Returns:
- The newly created
EdgeSetManufacturabilityFilter object.
- Return type:
- pointCloud(points, weights, interpolation='INVERSE_DISTANCE', exponent=2)#
Create a custom implicit field or geometry from a set of points with scalar values attached to them.
- Parameters:
points (list[math.Point]) – A list of positional coordinates contained within the point cloud.
weights (list[Float]) – A list of scalar values associated with each point. A surface is created at the boundary between positive and negative regions.
interpolation (str) –
Interpolation Type. - INVERSE_DISTANCE (Smooth gradient of values between the points) - NEAREST_NEIGHBOURS (The value in the field will correspond to the
value associated with the closest point. This creates hard boundaries similar to Voronoi cells).
exponent (float) – The exponent used for the inverse distance interpolation 1 / (Distance^Exponent). A larger value will produce a gentler gradient between points.
- Returns:
The newly created PointCloud object.
- Return type:
- moveBodies(body, position)#
The Move Bodies tool is used to transform implicit bodies in terms of their position and orientation in space.
- Parameters:
body (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
position (math.Matrix44) – Position for the body to move.
- combine(targets, transition='SHARP', transitionValue=0.002, transitionField=None)#
The Combine tool is a Boolean Union operation between implicit bodies. This tool creates a new body that envelopes any volume that falls within at least one of bodies being combined. It is equivalent to a logical OR / disjunction.
- Parameters:
targets (list[Body]) – List of Implicit target body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
transition (str) – Transition Type. - SHARP - FILLET - CHAMFER
transitionValue (float | str) – Transition value for boolean combine.
transitionField (Field) – Transition field input if transitionValue is not provided.
- Returns:
The newly created Combine object.
- Return type:
- difference(targets, tools, transition='SHARP', transitionValue=0.002, transitionField=None)#
The difference tool is used to cut ‘tool’ implicit bodies from ‘target’ implicit bodies. This tool creates a new implicit body that envelopes any volume that falls within any target but NOT within any tools. It is equivalent to a logical NOT / negation.
- Parameters:
targets (list[Body]) – List of Implicit target body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
tools (list[Body]) – List of Implicit tool body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
transition (str) – Transition Type. - SHARP - FILLET - CHAMFER
transitionValue (float | str) – Transition value for boolean difference.
transitionField (Field) – Transition field input if transitionValue is not provided.
- Returns:
The newly created Difference object.
- Return type:
- intersect(targets, tools, transition='SHARP', transitionValue=0.002, transitionField=None)#
The Intersection tool is used to find volumes of overlap between two or more implicit bodies.
- Parameters:
targets (list[Body]) – List of Implicit target body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
tools (list[Body]) – List of Implicit tool body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
transition (str) – Transition Type. - SHARP - FILLET - CHAMFER
transitionValue (float | str) – Transition value for boolean intersect.
transitionField (Field) – Transition field input if transitionValue is not provided.
- Returns:
The newly created Intersect object.
- Return type:
- offset(body, direction='OUTWARD', outwardOffset=0.01, outwardOffsetField=None, inwardOffset=0.01, inwardOffsetField=None, shell=False)#
The Offset tool can be used to inwardly (negative) or outwardly (positive) offset the surface of an implicit body. The surface always moves in a direction that is normal to the original surface.
- Parameters:
body (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
direction (str) – Direction for offset. - OUTWARD - INWARD - BOTH - SYMMETRY BOTH and SYMMETRY are valid only if shell is True.
outwardOffset (float | str) – Outward Offset value for implicit body.
outwardOffsetField (Field) – Outward offset field input, if outwardOffset is not provided.
inwardOffset (float | str) – Inward Offset value for implicit body.
inwardOffsetField (Field) – Inward offset field input, if inwardOffset is not provided.
shell (True) – If True, create a shell for implicit body otherwise not.
- Returns:
The newly created Offset object.
- Return type:
- invert(body)#
The Invert tool swaps the convention of ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ for an implicit body by reversing the sign of all scalar values in the underlying field.
- Parameters:
body (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Invert object.
- Return type:
- morph(bodyA, bodyB, morphValue=0.5, morphValueField=None)#
The Morph tool performs a morphing operation between two implicit bodies.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
morphValue (float | str) – The Morph Amount should lie between 0 and 100 and this controls the percentage of the morphing operation between Bodies A and B. A Morph Value of 0 would result in a perfect copy of the Body A, and a Morph amount of 100 would result in a perfect copy of the Body B.
morphValueField (Field) – The Morph Amount field input, if morphValue is not provided.
- Returns:
The newly created Morph object.
- Return type:
- fillet(body, type='ROUNDS', filletRadius=0.002, roundRadius=0.002)#
The Fillet tool applies a circular fillet of defined radius to sharp edges in an implicit body. It can be separately applied to convex and concave edges. Unlike traditional CAD, the fillet effect will be applied to any qualifying edges in the model rather than those that are manually selected by a user.
- Parameters:
body (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
type (str) – Fillet type. - FILLETS - ROUNDS - BOTH
filletRadius (float | str) – Fillet radius if type is ‘FILLETS’.
roundRadius (float | str) – Round radius if type is ‘ROUNDS’.
- Returns:
The newly created Fillet object.
- Return type:
- smooth(body, type='GAUSSIAN', width=1, iterations=1, strength=100)#
The Smooth tool is used to reduce the size of, or remove, unwanted small and/or sharp features in an implicit body. It is analogous to ‘blurring’ in digital image processing. It operates by moving a window through the underlying field, performing filtering operations on the field values that fall within the window. Example smoothing filters include Mean, Median, Gaussian and Laplacian. Each of these have relative pros and cons, giving different smoothing effects.
- Parameters:
body (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
type (str) – Smoothing type. - GAUSSIAN - LAPLACIAN - MEDIAN - MEAN
width (int | str) – Size of the smoothing kernel.
iterations (int | str) – Number of times the smoothing kernel runs for.
strength (float | str) – Smooth strength from 0 to 100.
- Returns:
The newly created Smooth object.
- Return type:
- remap(body)#
Remap is a general field of scalar values into a signed distance field. After a remap, each position in the field will have a scalar value that is the signed distance to the closest point on the object being modelled (surface, point, line, etc.). Negative field values are on the inside of the model and positive field values are on the outside.
- Parameters:
body (Body) – Implicit body, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Remap object.
- Return type:
- add(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Add operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Add object.
- Return type:
- subtract(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Subtract operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Subtract object.
- Return type:
- multiply(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Multiply operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Multiply object.
- Return type:
- divide(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Divide operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Divide object.
- Return type:
- floorDivision(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Floor Division operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created FloorDivision object.
- Return type:
- power(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Power operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Power object.
- Return type:
- mod(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Mod operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Mod object.
- Return type:
- lessThan(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit less than operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created LessThan object.
- Return type:
- lessOrEqualTo(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit less or equal to operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created LessOrEqualTo object.
- Return type:
- equalTo(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit equal to operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created EqualTo object.
- Return type:
- greaterThan(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit greater than operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created GreaterThan object.
- Return type:
- greaterOrEqualTo(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit greater or equal to operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created GreaterOrEqualTo object.
- Return type:
- sin(bodyA)#
Implicit Trigonometry Sin operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Sin object.
- Return type:
- cos(bodyA)#
Implicit Trigonometry Cos operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Cos object.
- Return type:
- tan(bodyA)#
Implicit Trigonometry Tan operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Tan object.
- Return type:
- atan2(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Trigonometry ATan2 operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created ATan2 object.
- Return type:
- asin(bodyA)#
Implicit Trigonometry ASin operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created ASin object.
- Return type:
- acos(bodyA)#
Implicit Trigonometry ACos operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created ACos object.
- Return type:
- atan(bodyA)#
Implicit Trigonometry ATan operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created ATan object.
- Return type:
- asinh(bodyA)#
Implicit Trigonometry ASinh operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created ASinh object.
- Return type:
- acosh(bodyA)#
Implicit Trigonometry ACosh operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created ACosh object.
- Return type:
- atanh(bodyA)#
Implicit Trigonometry ATanh operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created ATanh object.
- Return type:
- abs(bodyA)#
Implicit absolute value operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Abs object.
- Return type:
- ceil(bodyA)#
Implicit ceil operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Ceil object.
- Return type:
- clamp(bodyA, bodyB, bodyC)#
Implicit clamp operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyC (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Clamp object.
- Return type:
- implIf(bodyA, bodyB, bodyC)#
Implicit if operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyC (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created ImplIf object.
- Return type:
- min(bodyA, bodyB=None)#
Implicit min operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Min object.
- Return type:
- max(bodyA, bodyB=None)#
Implicit min operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Max object.
- Return type:
- step(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit step operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Step object.
- Return type:
- sign(bodyA)#
Implicit sign operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Sign object.
- Return type:
- sqrt(bodyA)#
Implicit sqrt operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Sqrt object.
- Return type:
- constant(value)#
Implicit constant.
- Parameters:
value (float | str) – Constant value for implicit.
- Returns:
The newly created Constant object.
- Return type:
- fraction(bodyA)#
Implicit fraction operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math functions, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Fraction object.
- Return type:
- pi()#
Implicit pi.
- Returns:
The newly created Pi object.
- Return type:
- e()#
Implicit Euler’s number(E).
- Returns:
The newly created E object.
- Return type:
- xRef()#
Implicit X Reference.
- Returns:
The newly created XRef object.
- Return type:
- yRef()#
Implicit Y Reference.
- Returns:
The newly created YRef object.
- Return type:
- zRef()#
Implicit Z Reference.
- Returns:
The newly created ZRef object.
- Return type:
- addVector(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Vector Add operation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created AddVector object.
- Return type:
- create2D(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit 2D Vector creation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Create2D object.
- Return type:
- create3D(bodyA, bodyB, bodyC)#
Implicit 3D Vector creation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyC (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Create3D object.
- Return type:
- create4D(bodyA, bodyB, bodyC, bodyD)#
Implicit 3D Vector creation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyC (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyD (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Create4D object.
- Return type:
- distance(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Distance Vector creation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Distance object.
- Return type:
- dot(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Dot Vector creation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Dot object.
- Return type:
- cross(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Cross Vector creation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Cross object.
- Return type:
- scale(bodyA, bodyB)#
Implicit Scale Vector creation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
bodyB (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Scale object.
- Return type:
- length(bodyA)#
Implicit Length Vector creation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Length object.
- Return type:
- normalize(bodyA)#
Implicit Normalize Vector creation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
- Returns:
The newly created Normalize object.
- Return type:
- vectorElement(bodyA, index)#
Implicit vector element creation.
- Parameters:
bodyA (Body) – Implicit body for math operation, use bodies property to get all bodies from implicit part.
index (int) – The index of the vector component to be returned.
- Returns:
The newly created VectorElement object.
- Return type: