Check rule related to teardrop in design.
- Target Objects Definition: Define target pin type or vias.
- SMD Pad: Target objects will be SMD type pads.
- DIP Pad: Target objects will be DIP type pads.
- Via: Target objects will be vias.
- Target Components Definition: Define target components.
- All Components: All components will be target components.
- Component Group Selection: Select target components by selecting component group from list.
- Checking
- Find Different Pad Shape in Component: Find different padstacks than
specifying padstack.
- Target Component: Select target components from the component group list.
- Padstack Name Filter: To specify allowable padstack, define allowable padstack name with name combination. Use name filter, defining padstack name starting with, ending with or include strings.
- Teardrop Existence: Check the teardrop existence on pad or vias.
- Exclude Checking for following Condition: Exclude checking
for following conditions pads or vias.
- Connecting thick Patterns than Pad Size: If the pattern width is thicker than pad size, it is not checking target.
- Ignore for Via/Pin with Thermal: Option to exclude from checking the Through Hole Pin and Via that applied the Thermal relief.
- Connecting thick Patterns than given Value: If the pattern width is thicker than given value, it is not checking target. Set the pattern’s width value.
- Vias on Pad: If a via is placed on pad, it is not checking target.
- Accept multiple connected Patterns as Teardrop for much more than given Number: If multiple patterns are connected to pad or via, PollEx DFM checks the number of connected patterns and if they are many more than given number, it is fail.
- Minimum length of Teardrop: Check the teardrop length.
- SMD Pad: Set the minimum length of SMD Pad's Teardrop.
- DIP(PTH) Pad: Set the minimum length of DIP(PTH) Pad's Teardrop.
- Via Pad: Set the minimum length of Via Pad's Teardrop.
- Exclude Checking for following Condition: Exclude checking
for following conditions pads or vias.
- Find Different Pad Shape in Component: Find different padstacks than
specifying padstack.