Solder Resist Pad

Solder Resistor (SR) is a material which is applied to specific areas of the printed circuit board during a soldering process and protects the circuit of the unnecessary portions of solder.

  • Solder Mask Layer Definition
    • Top: Define the Solder Mask layer of the Top layer.
    • Bottom: Define the Solder Mask layer of the Bottom layer.
  • Checking
    • Item Name: Specify the item name.
    • Component Group: Select target components with component group selection.
    • Check Options: Upon double-clicking column, Check Options, run checking option dialog as below.
      Figure 1.

      • Merge Overlapped Solder Masks: If the solder mask overlaps, merge it into one for inspection (Merge is applied only when they are part of the same component).
        • Comp Pad & Comp Pad: Merge the solder masks of the component pads.
        • Comp Pad & Comp Figure: Merge the solder mask of the component pad with the solder mask of the component figure.
        • Comp Pad & Board Figure: Merge the solder mask of the component pad with the solder mask of the board figure.
        • Comp Figure & Comp Figure: Merge the solder mask of the component figure.
        • Comp Figure & Board Figure: Merge the solder mask of the component figure with the solder mask of the board figure.
        • Board Figure & Board Figure: Merge the solder mask of the board figure.
      • Clearance between Solder Mask and Pad in Same Component: Set the clearance value between solder mask and pad.
        • SMD: Set the clearance value between solder mask and SMD pad.
        • NSMD: Set the clearance value between solder mask and NSMD pad.
        • Maximum distance between Solder Mask and Pad in same Component: Even if the distance between the pad and solder mask satisfies the upper inspection option Clearance condition, if it exceeds the maximum distance value Fail.
          • SMD: Set the clearance value between solder mask and SMD pad.
            • If the Solder Mask is entirely within the Pad area, it is considered an SMD Pad.
          • NSMD: Set the clearance value between solder mask and NSMD pad.
            • If the Pad is entirely within the Solder Mask area (including cases where they are the same size), it is considered an NSMD Pad.
          Figure 2.

        • Regard Pad as Pass with having greater than given value for any direction: On the clearance checking between the edges of Pad and Solder Mask, this option is considered to pass if either direction is satisfied.
        • Except for Other(Not in SMD or NSMD)Pad Type: Exclude Other Pad Type from the fail result.
      • Clearance between Solder Masks in Same Component: Set the clearance value between solder mask and solder mask.
      • Clearance between Pad and Other Component’s Solder Mask: Set the clearance value between pad and other components’ solder masks.
      • Clearance between Solder Mask and Other Component’s Solder Mask: Set the clearance value between solder mask and other component solder masks.
      • Clearance between Solder Mask and Board Figure Pads: Set the clearance value for solder mask and board figure type pads.
      • Clearance between Solder Mask and Board Figure Solder Masks: Clearance checking between the Solder Masks of Pad and Board Figure.
      • Clearance between Solder Mask and other Net: Clearance checking between the Solder Masks of Pad and Net.
        • Recognize as different nets if other nets are connected to the same reference.
      • Check exposed copper on the same net due to solder mask.
      • Solder Mask Overlapping with Component Figure Silkscreen: Option to check the area where the Solder Mask and Component Figure silkscreen overlap. Overlapped area is considered as fail.
      • Solder Mask Overlapping with Component Text Silkscreen: Option to check the area where the Solder Mask and Component Text silkscreen overlap. Overlapped area is considered as fail.
      • Solder Mask Overlapping with Board Figure Silkscreen: Option to check the area where the Solder Mask and Board Figure silkscreen overlap. Overlapped area is considered as fail.
      • Solder Mask Overlapping with Board Figure Text Silkscreen: Option to check the area where the Solder Mask and Board Figure Text silkscreen overlap. Overlapped area is considered as fail.
      • Check Existence of Solder Mask in Target Component’s Pin: Check whether target component’s pin has solder mask or not.
      • Check the existence of Solder Mask between Thermal Pad and I/O Pad: Check whether Solder Mask exists between Thermal Pad and I/O Pad.
      • Solder Mask Usage
      • Check Solder Mask usage in multiple Pins: Check multiple shares same solder mask.
        Figure 3.

      • Check Solder Mask usage between Pins(Only 2Pin Component): Option to check whether the Solder Mask is filled between the Pads where the component has only 2 pins.
      • Check Solder Mask Covered on Component Area: Option to check whether the component area is covered with the Solder Mask.
      • Measure Base: Select measure base.
      • Expand Component Boundary: Enter the value to be expanded the component boundary area.
    • Remainder: Check above same rules for components which are not listed in table.
    • Display Fail Results for Each Pin: Display the fail results for each pin of the component.
  • Board Figure Solder Mask: Checking rules for solder masks belong to board figure.
    • Clearance between Board Figure Solder Mask: Set the clearance value between board figure solder masks and others.
      • Including Board Figure having Pad: Option to include the Solder Mask of Board Figure having Pad.
    • Overlapping with below Types of Silkscreen: Check silkscreen data’s overlapping with board figure geometries.
      Figure 4.

      • Component Figure: Option to check whether the Solder Mask and Component Figure silkscreen overlap.
      • Component Text: Option to check whether the Solder Mask and Component Text overlap.
      • Board Figure: Option to check whether the Solder Mask and Board Figure silkscreen. overlap.
      • Board Figure Text: Option to check whether the Solder Mask and Board Figure Text silkscreen overlap.