Calculate the Standard Deviation

  1. From the MPDB Projection Tool dialog, verify that the Animation File option is checked and use the file browser to select the desired solver animation file to import.
    Tip: The Animation File option is activated by default, however you can uncheck the option to deactivate the standard deviation calculation process.
  2. Click the Import button to import the selected file.
  3. Optional: Activate the Compute Intrusion Depth from Elements option to convert nodal based projection distance results into element based results using an average.
    Note: By default, the projection distance results are available only as nodal based, therefore the option is unchecked.
  4. Use the Origin, Y-Axis, and YZ plane node selectors to define the system at the back of the barrier frontal block, which will be the reference system for the projection calculation.
    Figure 1.

  5. Use the Top right, Top left, Bottom right, and Bottom left node selectors to select the four corners of the front face of the barrier.
    Figure 2.

  6. Select the whole components defining the full barrier block.
    Figure 3.

  7. Select the outer cladding components of the barrier block.
    Figure 4.

  8. Define the total vehicle width requested to calculate the rating area on the barrier.
  9. Select the solver used and the directory for the tool outputs.
    • Dyna
    • Radioss
    Default: Animation directory/Output
  10. Optional: Use the Calculate Standard Deviation options to select a new entities and calculate the standard deviation for the selected area.
    Attention: These options are meant to be used when the first evaluation of the Standard Deviation and Intrusion projections have been calculated and are available in the modeling window (after clicking the Apply button at the bottom of the tool).
    Select Entities
    Select a new calculation area.
    Calculate the standard deviation for the newly selected area.
    Clear the results.