
Returns face "wings" connected to the edge.


bool GeomEdgeGetCoedges(
const HM_EntityGeomEdge & edge,
int& coedge_count,
HM_EntityGeomCoedge * & coedges,
bool*& dir_senses,
bool*& face_senses


HyperMesh Ext API Function


When one or more faces are connected at common edge then connection of the edge to each of the faces is represented by co-edge entity associated with this face. Each of co-edges has corresponding face on one of its sides. It is also possible for a co-edge to have faces on both sides. In some cases a co-edge can have the same face on both sides. In these cases the same co-edge corresponds to topologically distinct face "wings" that are connected to the common edge. The combination of the co-edge and its side is necessary to identify uniquely corresponding "wing".

To free arrays allocated for co-edges, dir_senses and face_senses during the function call use the function HM_ExtAPI::MemoryFree().

If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the function fails, the return value is false. To get extended value information, call HM_ExtAPI::GetLastErrorCode().

Requires including hm_extapi.h.


[in] - Handle to edge object that was returned by previous calls to API functions.
[out] - Number of co-edges.
[out] - Returns pointer to array of handles to co-edges. The number of values in the array is coedge_count. The pointer is NULL if edge is not connected to any faces.
[out] - Returns pointer to array of flags that indicate co-edge direction with respect to edge direction. The number of values in the array is coedge_count. The pointer is NULL if edge is not connected to any faces. The value of true indicates that corresponding co-edge direction coincides with the direction of the edge. The value of false indicates that corresponding co-edge direction is opposite to the direction of the edge.
[out] - Returns pointer to array of flags that indicate at which side the co-edge is connected to associated face "wing". The number of values in the array is coedge_count. The pointer is NULL if edge is not connected to any faces. The value of true indicates that corresponding co-edge has associated face on its left. The value of false indicates that corresponding co-edge has associated face on its right.

