
Connects co-edges of existing faces into a single edge.


bool GeomCoedgesConnect(
const HM_EntityGeomCoedge& coedge1,
const HM_EntityGeomCoedge& coedge2,
int& orient_code,
bool  check_tol,
double equiv_tol


HyperMesh Ext API Function


If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the function fails, the return value is false. To get extended value information, call HM_ExtAPI::GetLastErrorCode().

Requires including hm_extapi.h.


[in] - Handle to first co-edge object that was returned by previous calls to API function.
[in] - Handle to second co-edge object that was returned by previous calls to API function.
[in/out] - Specifies mutual orientation of connected edges. This parameter can have one of following values.
1: Co-edges are connected in the same direction. "Head" of the first co-edge is connected to the "head" of the second co-edge. "Tail" of the first co-edge is connected to the "tail" of the second co-edge.
-1: Co-edges are connected in opposite directions. "Head" of the first co-edges is connected to the "tail" of the second co-edge. "Tail" of the first co-edge is connected to the "head" of the second co-edge.
0: Mutual orientation of co-edges is checked geometrically before connecting. On output, parameter contains the value 1 or -1 depending on how mutual orientation was determined.
[in] - Specifies whether co-edges equivalence should be verified before connecting. This parameter can have one of following values.
false - Edges equivalence is not checked.
true - Edges equivalence is checked using the equivalence tolerance specified by the parameter equiv_tol.
[in] - Specifies equivalence tolerance. If the number is negative or zero then equivalence tolerance is set automatically. This parameter is ignored if check_tol is false.

