Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running applications in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
This API allows external applications to link HyperMesh as a library and provides a limited set of functions and structures to access specific functionality.
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Extensions are programs integrated with the application to enhance or extend the user experience.
Altair Binary Format (ABF) is the standard binary format read by the program. A library called abflib allows you to create files in ABF.
A generic ASCII reader is now available which allows you to bring custom results directly into HyperView. The Altair ASCII format is useful for reading the results of any in-house or propriety codes which are saved in a generic format.
Batch mode allows you perform a series of operations outside the program interface.
External resources can be registered in preference files, session files, or Templex files. If an external resource is registered in a program session, it is automatically registered in the session file when the session is saved.
The Python API documentation for HyperMesh applications.
The application's scripting interface is a set of Tcl/Tk commands that follow a simple and consistent syntax.
Translators are utilities that are run from the command line of the operating system to convert various types of files into different formats.
XML commands in the Result Math Module.
Record playback workflows in the application.
Use the Task Manager to load an XML file that defines tasks and their attributes.
These provide an overview of all additions, updates, and changes to the HyperMesh APIs for each release.
Details on the core data that can be queried and manipulated.
Closes HyperMesh session.
Returns the type of the model assembly hierarchy document.
Returns the component created for the model assembly hierarchy document.
Returns the number of components created for the model assembly hierarchy document.
Returns the complete path to the CAD model file, from which the model assembly hierarchy document was imported.
Returns the first child of the document in the model assembly hierarchy of the CAD model loaded into the database.
Returns the full instance name of the model assembly hierarchy document in the assembly hierarchy tree.
Returns the name of the link used as a reference to the model assembly hierarchy document in the assembly hierarchy tree.
Returns the transformation matrix between the global model coordinate system and the original local system of the model part represented by the model assembly hierarchy document.
Returns the material name of a part.
Returns the name of the model assembly hierarchy document.
Returns next document from the same level of the model assembly hierarchy of the CAD model loaded into the database.
Returns the part number of a part.
Returns the prototype ID of a given part.
Returns the thickness of a part.
Finds a component by its original name.
Finds a component by its name.
Returns the color of the component.
Returns the total number of elements in a mesh component object.
Returns the first element in a mesh component.
Returns the first free face of the component.
Returns the first free line of the component.
Returns the first free point of the component.
Returns the first face of the component.
Returns the first solid of the component.
Returns the ID of a component.
Returns the next element in a mesh component.
Returns original name of the component in the model structure of imported CAD model.
Returns component name.
Returns the next free face of the component.
Returns the next free line of the component.
Returns the next free point of the component.
Returns the next face of the component.
Returns the next solid of the component.
Sets current component in HyperMesh.
Creates new component in HyperMesh database.
Creates approximation curve object.
Creates circle curve object.
Creates composed curve object.
Creates ellipse curve object.
Creates NURBS curve object.
Straight line geometry object.
Creates new free line in HyperMesh database.
Creates new free point in the HyperMesh database.
Creates face in HyperMesh database.
Creates trimmed face in the HyperMesh database.
Creates face with rectangular parameterization in HyperMesh database.
Creates solid within existing shell of boundary faces.
Creates composed surface object.
Creates cone surface object.
Creates cylindrical surface object.
Creates extruded surface object.
Creates NURBS surface object.
Creates plane surface object.
Creates revolution surface object.
Creates sphere surface object.
Creates torus surface object.
Returns parameters that define curve represented by approximation points.
Returns parameters that define circle.
Returns individual segments of composed curve.
Returns number of curve segments that define composed curve.
Returns parameters that define ellipse.
Returns parameters that define NURBS curves.
Returns parameters that define straight segment curve.
Deletes model from HyperMesh database.
Returns a handle to the component for an element.
Returns grid points that define an element.
Returns number of grid points that define an element.
Returns numeric ID of the element.
Returns element type.
Generates a mesh on surfaces of the model loaded into the HyperMesh database, using mesh areas and constraint edges and points.
Returns edge that is represented by the co-edge on corresponding face.
Returns face connected to the coedge.
Returns 2d curve that defines co-edge geometry.
Returns next co-edge in the face loop.
Returns next co-edge on the edge represented by the coedge.
Connects co-edges of existing faces into a single edge.
Converts parametric segment of a curve of any type to NURBS curve.
Converts curve to piecewise smooth curve.
Returns information about parameter range of the curve.
Returns curve point.
Returns curve type.
Returns face "wings" connected to the edge.
Returns number of face "wings" connected to the edge.
Returns first co-edge connected to the edge.
Returns curve that defines edge geometry.
Returns vertex of the edge.
Adds fixed point to existing face.
Returns component that contains the face.
Returns surface that defines face geometry.
Returns internal face points.
Returns coedges that define face loop.
Returns number of loops in the face.
Returns solid connected to the face.
Connects faces by equivalencing their edges.
Returns number of boundaries in the solid.
Returns faces that define solid boundary.
Returns component the contains the solid.
Inserts cavity into existing solid.
Converts parametric region of a surface of any type to NURBS surface.
Expands parametric bounds of the surface by given values.
Returns information about parameter range of the surface.
Returns surface point.
Returns surface type.
Returns edges connected to the vertex.
Returns number of edges connected to the vertex.
Returns faces connected to the vertex.
Returns vertex geometry.
Returns current component.
Returns the first component of the model currently loaded in HyperMesh database model.
Returns equivalence tolerance value for the model.
Returns the code of the last error occurred during the call to any of the functions of HM_ExtAPI interface.
Returns the next component of the model currently loaded in HyperMesh database model.
Returns the root document in the model assembly hierarchy of the CAD model loaded into HyperMesh database.
Returns the number of root documents in the model assembly hierarchy for each CAD model loaded into HyperMesh database.
Returns numeric ID of the grid point of a mesh.
Returns position of the grid point of a mesh.
Returns expected position of the grid point on associated topological entity.
Returns the type and ID of topological entity associated with a grid point of a mesh.
Loads model from CAD file into HyperMesh database.
Loads model from HyperMesh file into HyperMesh database.
Allocates memory block of specified size.
Releases the memory allocated within other API functions.
Returns the total number of mesh components in a mesh object.
Returns total number of mesh grid points that deviate from original model geometry.
Returns total number of elements in a mesh object.
Returns the first mesh component in a mesh object.
Returns the first deviating grid point in a mesh referenced by a mesh object.
Returns the first element in a mesh referenced by a mesh object.
Returns the first grid point in a mesh referenced by a mesh object.
Returns total number of mesh grid points in a mesh object.
Returns the next mesh component in a mesh object.
Returns the next deviating grid point in a mesh referenced by a mesh object.
Returns the next element in a mesh referenced by a mesh object.
Returns the next grid point in a mesh referenced by a mesh object.
Offsets faces in the model in the direction of their normal.
Offsets faces connected into manifold shell in the direction of the shell normal.
Finds closest to given point face or finds the closest point on the face.
Releases the handle to temporary curve.
Releases the handle to temporary surface.
Frees memory allocated for temporary mesh structures.
Executes command using internal HyperMesh Tcl interpreter and returns the result of execution.
Sets equivalence tolerance value for the model.
Turns on or off generation of log files by different components used within HyperMesh, and sets the folder to redirect output of these files.
Returns individual surfaces of composed surface.
Returns sizes of rectangular grid of composition surfaces.
Returns parameters that define cone surface.
Returns parameters that define cylindrical surface.
Returns parameters that define extruded surface.
Returns parameters that define NURBS surface.
Returns parameters that define plane surface.
Returns parameters that define revolution surface.
Returns parameters that define spherical surface.
Returns parameters that define torus surface.
Returns a mesh grid associated with a specified topology edge or vertex.
Opens HyperMesh session and returns pointer to API object.
FE input readers are C programs that read information from ASCII or binary finite element models files into the HyperMesh database.
Details on the HMASCII format and associated commands.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
Solver templates are ASCII data files containing HyperMesh Template Language Commands and HyperMesh Template Language Functions.
The Script and Model Library is a database of freely accessible scripts and models posted by users and Altair engineers.
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