
Returns next co-edge on the edge represented by the coedge.


bool GeomCoedgeGetNextOnEdge(
const HM_EntityGeomCoedge & coedge,
bool face_sense,
bool forward,
HM_EntityGeomCoedge& next_coedge,
bool& next_face_sense


HyperMesh Ext API Function


When one or more faces are connected at common edge then connection of the edge to each of the faces is represented by co-edge entity associated with this face. Each of co-edges has corresponding face on one of its sides. It is also possible for a co-edge to have faces on both sides. In some cases a co-edge can have the same face on both sides. In these cases the same co-edge corresponds to topologically distinct face "wings" that are connected to the common edge. The combination of the co-edge and its side is necessary to identify uniquely corresponding "wing".

If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the function fails, the return value is false. To get extended value information, call HM_ExtAPI::GetLastErrorCode().

Requires including hm_extapi.h.


[in] - Handle to co-edge object that was returned by previous calls to API functions.
[in] - The flag that indicates the side of the co-edge at which the co-edge face is connected. The value of true indicates that the face is on the left side of the co-edge. The value of false indicates that the face is on the right side of the co-edge.
[in] - The flag that indicates rotation direction around the edge. The value of true indicates that the rotation is counter clockwise with respect to an outward direction of the edge. The value of false indicates that the rotation is clockwise with respect to outward direction of the edge.
[out] - The handle to the next co-edge.
[out] - The flag that indicates the side of the next co-edge at which associated face is connected. The value of true indicates that the face is on the left side of the next co-edge. The value of false indicates that the face is on the right side of the co-edge.

