
Returns next co-edge in the face loop.


bool GeomCoedgeGetNextInLoop(
const HM_EntityGeomCoedge & coedge,
bool face_sense,
bool forward,
HM_EntityGeomCoedge& next_coedge,
bool& next_face_sense


HyperMesh Ext API Function


Each face loop has a direction defined in such a way that the loop is counter clockwise with respect to an outward pointing face normal. In other words, in a view where the face normal is directed towards the observer the loop would have the face area on the left side.

Co-edges that form the loop can have the face on either of their two sides.

It is possible that a co-edge has the same face on both of its sides. In this case this co-edge is encountered twice during the traversal of the face loop. The combination of the co-edge and its side is necessary to identify co-edge position within the loop uniquely.

If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the function fails, the return value is false. To get extended value information, call HM_ExtAPI::GetLastErrorCode().

Requires including hm_extapi.h.


[in] - Handle to co-edge object that was returned by previous calls to API functions.
[in] - The flag that indicates the side of the co-edge at which the co-edge face is connected. The value of true indicates that the face is on the left side of the co-edge. The value of false indicates that the face is on the right side of the co-edge.
[in] - The flag that indicates direction to search for the next co-edge within the loop. The value of true indicates that the direction of search coincides with the loop direction. The value of false indicates that the direction of search is opposite to the loop direction.
[out] - The handle to the next co-edge.
[out] - The flag that indicates the side of the next co-edge at which associated face is connected. The value of true indicates that the face is on the left side of the next co-edge. The value of false indicates that the face is on the right side of the co-edge.

