Tab Sub Mark
Tab Sub Mark is a mark to recognize the beginning of FPCB when rigid PCB is used with flexible PCB.
- FPC Component Definition: Define the FPC components.
- FPC Component: Select the FPC components from the component group list.
- Tab Sub Mark Definition: Define tab sub mark.
- Component Group Selection: If tab sub marks are registered with a
component, select a tab sub mark component by selecting it from the
component group list.
- Recognize conductive figure shape as Pad: Recognize as Pad for the conductive shape drawn with Figure shape.
- Board Figure Geometries: If tab sub mark is drawn with figure
geometry in the design, define them with figure geometry’s dimension.
- Tab Sub Mark Size Ranges: Set the target tab sub mark
dimension with width and height.
- Width: Set the geometry width size or size ranges using the floating value input tool.
- Height: Set the geometry height size or size ranges using the floating value input tool.
- Tab Sub Mark Size Ranges: Set the target tab sub mark
dimension with width and height.
- Component Group Selection: If tab sub marks are registered with a
component, select a tab sub mark component by selecting it from the
component group list.
- Boundary Selective
- Use Border of Rigid PCB and FPCB: Option to set the boundary as the
border between Rigid PCB and FPCB for the clearance checking in the
Boundary Checking item.
Figure 1.
- Use Copper-Pour on Rigid PCB: Option to check based on Copper-Pour
in the Rigid PCB area.
Figure 2.
- Top: The checking is based on the Copper-Pour in the Top layer.
- Bottom: The checking is based on the Copper-Pour in the Bottom layer.
- Inner: The checking is based on the Copper-Pour in the Inner layer.
- Use Border of Rigid PCB and FPCB: Option to set the boundary as the
border between Rigid PCB and FPCB for the clearance checking in the
Boundary Checking item.
- Checking
- Check Existence of Tab Sub Mark: Check the existence of the tab sub mark in the design.
- Clearance between Tab Sub Mark and Board Outline: Check the clearance between the tab sub mark and board outline.
- Clearance between Tab Sub Mark and Routing Pattern: Check the clearance between tab sub mark and routing patterns.
- Clearance between Tab Sub Mark and FPC Component’s Pad: Check the clearance between tab sub mark and FPC component pads.
- Boundary Checking
- Clearance between Tab Sub Mark and the Border of Rigid PCB and FPCB: Check the clearance between Tab Sub Mark and the border of rigid PDB and FPCB.
- Clearance between Vias and the Border of Rigid PCB and FPCB: Check the clearance between vias and the boarder of rigid PDB and FPCB.