Meshed Copper

Check if the bending area is designed with mesh copper.

In FPCB, all bending areas should be designed with meshed copper. Solid copper-pour in the bending area is marked as failed.
  • Checking
    • Item: Specify the item name.
    • Check Area: Select layer in which checking area is described.
    • Check Layer: Select checking layer on which routing patterns exist. You can select top, bottom, all, or certain components reverse side.

      Figure 1.
    • Mesh: Upon checking this option, you can check copper-pour’s meshed status in the checking area. In the bending area, if copper-pour is not meshed, it is fail.
    • Thick Pattern: In the bending areas meshed copper-pour, there should be a thick pattern in the middle of the copper-pour. If there is no center line pattern, it is a fail in PollEx DFM.