Rigid Spider

A common realization for all analysis that has a rigidized element with the central node defined as the interface.

Element Type

This is the type of element the Attachment creates:
  • RigidLink is a single RBE2
  • RBE2 is series of two legged RBE2s
  • RBE3 is a single RBE3
  • RBE3 (Stuck Node) is a specific Aerospace implementation of two RBE3s over the top of each other with differing DOFs

Feature: Hole/Projection

It looks like a Hole to realize to
It will project to the mesh and select whatever it can find
Capture Shape
A virtual shape (Box, Cylinder, Sphere) is drawn with the defined parameters
Any node in the Link Part will be used

Connector Outer Layer (Hole Only)

How many layers into the mesh it will select, like washer layers.
Just the hole
Every Node
Single washer layer
Every other Node
Single washer layer alternating nodes
Two Layers
Two washer layers deep

Layers for Element Selection (Projection Only)

The size of the element selection.

Solid Hole Nodes

How do you want it to connect to solid holes.
  • Edge Nodes: top and bottom Edges only
  • Interior Nodes: select all of the nodes in the interior hole
  • Face Nodes: select only the nodes on the face of the solid hole

Snap to Center

Have the center of the rigid calculate based on the realization, or based on the location of the Attachment entity.