Calculate Relative Displacement
Calculate relative displacement between two parts along a line segment. This feature is supported for static analysis.
- On the Project Tree, open the Analysis Workbench.
(Pick info).
- In the dialog, select the Relative Displacement tab.
- Enter Search depth.
- Optional: Enter the failure criteria for Gap tolerance (Open close) and Gap tolerances (Stick slip).
Under Segments, define the line segment in one of the following ways:
Option Steps Start Select the Start radio button. A ray is launched which is normal to the surface and passes through the part.
Custom - Select the Custom radio button.
- In the modeling window, select the entry and exit points on the part.
The entry and exit points are populated in the dialog.
Start from datum points - Select the Start from datum points radio button.
- In the drop-down menu, select a point set.
Line segments are drawn along the gaps of the parts. The x-axis of the system is along the segment from entry to exit points. The other two axes are calculated as follows.- If the local x-axis is not parallel to the global
Zlocal = Xlocal x Yglobal
Ylocal = Zlocal x Xlocal
- If the local x-axis is parallel to the global
Ylocal is negative of Xglobal if Xlocal is along positive Yglobal, and vice versa.
Zlocal = Xlocal x Ylocal
The following parameters are evaluated in the local coordinate system:- Initial Length, Final Length, Elongation, Slip, Initial status, Final status (open close), Final status (stick slip)
Tip: Final status of the line segment shows open/close, overlap, and stick/slip based on the failure criteria.