Create Analysis
Create an analysis for your project.
For more in-depth information about each type of analysis, go to the following topics:
On the Main Menu toolbar, click the icon for the desired type of
Figure 1.
Follow the process for the chosen analysis.
Analysis Type Process - Structural
From the drop-down menu, select one of the following: - Structural linear
- Structural non-linear - In the pop-up window, specify separating contact, material non-linear, or geometric non-linear in the pop-up window.
- Buckling linear - In the pop-up dialog
select the desired structural analysis to define the buckling
load and number of modes.Note: You can also right-click on an existing structural analysis and select , then select the desired number of modes.
- Multi-loadcases
- Sequential - In the pop-up dialog select
the desired structural analysis to define the prestress
state.Note: You can also right-click on an existing structural analysis and select .
- Structural thermal - In the pop-up
window, specify the temperature load. Temperature input can be
applied by linking to existing thermal analysis or by defining
uniform temperature to all or specific parts.Note: You can also right-click on an existing thermal transient, thermal steady state, or thermal imported analysis and select .
- Modal
- For Modal Analysis, in the pop-up window, specify the Number of modes to find or the frequency span.
- For Modal Prestressed, in the Modal drop-down menu select
Modal prestressed. In the pop-up
dialog, select the desired structural analysis to define the
prestress state and number of modes or frequency span.Note: You can also right-click on an existing structural analysis and select , then select the desired number of modes or set the upper limit in the frequency span.
- Dynamics
In the drop-down menu, select one of the following: - Transient - Specify Time span.
- Frequency response - Specify the frequency span upper and lower limits.
- Random response - Specify the frequency span upper and lower limits.
- Frequency multi-loadcase
- Squeak and Rattle – Specify the transient subcase to link the workbench.
Specify damping using Rayleigh damping coefficients or Modal damping.
- Thermal
In the drop-down menu, select one of the following: - Thermal steady state
- Thermal transient - In the pop-up window, specify time span, number of output timesteps, and the initial temperature.
- Thermal imported
- Fatigue
In the drop-down menu, select one of the following: - SN Time
- SN Sequential
- SN Random
- EN Time
- EN Sequential
- EN Random
The new analysis appears as a new branch in the Project Tree.