Run Analysis

Solve an analysis or design study.

  1. Solve an individual analysis.
    1. In the Project Tree, select the analysis to open the Analysis Workbench.
    2. On the workbench toolbar, click (Solve).
      The Analysis Workbench opens. A progress bar appears in the application window to update you on the progress of the analysis. Once the run is complete, a Results branch appears in the Project Tree.
  2. Solve a design study/multiple analyses.
    1. In the Project Tree, select the design study or project name to open the Analysis Workbench.
    2. On the workbench toolbar, click (Solve).
      The solver manager opens.
    3. In the Solver Manager, select the check boxes for the analyses or design studies you want to solve.
    4. Click Solve.
      A progress bar appears in the application window to update you on the progress of each analysis. Once each analysis is complete, Results branches appear in the Project Tree that you can view after all analyses are complete.