Export Results Images/Animations

Export simulation modeling and results images/animations.

If the Bookmark Browser is not already displayed below the Project tree, in the main window toolbar click the (Show Bookmark Browser) icon.

Animation bookmarks are exported as .mp4 and .gif files and image bookmarks as .png files.

Use one of the following options to export bookmarks as image/animation files:
Export All Bookmarks in Gallery
  1. In the Bookmark Browser, click (Save All).
  2. Browse to the desired save location and click Select Folder.
Export Single Bookmark
  1. In the Bookmark Browser, right-click on the bookmark thumbnail and choose Save media to file(s) in the context menu.
  2. Browse to the desired save location and click Select Folder.
Copy Bookmarks to Clipboard
  1. In the Bookmark Browser, right-click on the bookmark thumbnail and choose Copy to clipboard in the context menu.
    Tip: The keyboard shortcut Control + C will also copy images to clipboard.