Minimum Width
Check the pattern minimum width.
A pattern width change can cause drastic impedance changes.
- FPCB Layer Definition: If PCB is a mixed design as FPCB (Flexible PCB) and
Rigid PCB together, it is able to check the clearance with a certain value
for FPCB. In this case, you can define the FPCB layer for checking.
- Layer Name or Layer Comment: Can define the FPCB layer information by layer name or comment of layer.
- FPCB Layer Filter: Set the layer information.
- Option
- Check all segments of nets. If not selected, only one representative segment of nets appears in the result.
- Checking
- Item: Specify the item name.
- Component Group: Select target components from the component group list. Target patterns will be patterns connected to target components.
- Pattern Type: Select target pattern type.
- Min Width: Specify the minimum pattern width.
- Length Limit: Check the length of segment patterns. If the length of the pattern detected as fail in Min Width option is longer than the set value, it is fail.
- All Layer: Option to select and to check the minimum pattern width by classifying inner and outer layers. If this option is selected, the value specified in the Min Width column is for the Top and Bottom layer and the Min Width for Inner Layer column is activated.
- Min Width for Inner Layer: Set the minimum pattern width for inner layers.
- Min Width for FPCB Layer: Set the minimum pattern width for FPCB layer.
- Expand: Give the expanding value for component boundary.
Figure 1.
- Measure Type: Select component boundary criteria among Component Overlap Check Area( COC), Silk, Silk+Pad, Pad, COC+Pad, and Measure Base (defined in component classification dialog).
- Remainder: For not defined components and their patterns in table,
you can define the maximum width of patterns. Set the maximum
pattern width value.
- Top/Bottom Layer: Set the minimum pattern width for Top and Bottom layers of Remainder.
- Inner Layer: Set the minimum pattern width for inner layers of Remainder.
- FPCB Layer: Set the minimum pattern width for FPCB layer of Remainder.
- Length Limit: Check the length of segment patterns of Remainder. If the length of the pattern detected as fail in Min Width option is longer than the set value, it is fail.
- Bottleneck: Check if the segment patterns have different widths. If
the width of the segment pattern in the same net is different, it is
- Except Net: Set the net setting excluded from inspection target through net string filter.