Block Format Keyword This is a non-associated elasto-plastic model for polymer adhesives. The constitutive model is based on a I1-J2 criterion that can be reduced either to a von Mises or Drucker-Prager type in compression.
It can be used to represent the mechanical behavior of adhesives under complex loading paths with combined shear and tension. The material model includes a nonlinear damage model depending on plastic strain, triaxiality and strain rate. This material is applicable only to solid hexahedron elements (/BRICK).
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
/MAT/LAW120/mat_ID/unit_ID or /MAT/TAPO/mat_ID/unit_ID | |||||||||
mat_title | |||||||||
E | Iform | Itrx | Idam | ||||||
Table_ID | Xscale | Yscale | |||||||
Q | H | ||||||||
A1F | A2F | A1H | A2H | AS | |||||
C | |||||||||
D1c | D2c | D1f | D2f | ||||||
Dtrx | DJC | Exp_n |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
mat_ID | Material identifier. (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
unit_ID | (Optional) Unit
identifier. (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
mat_title | Material title. (Character, maximum 100 characters) |
density. (Real) |
E | Young’s (stiffness)
modulus. (Real) |
coefficient. (Real) |
Iform | Yield criterion formulation flag.
(Integer) |
Itrx | Damage dependency on triaxiality in
compression flag.
(Integer) |
Idam | Strain rate definition in damage
model flag.
(Integer) |
Table_ID | Table identifier to define yield
stress as a function of plastic strain, strain rate and
temperature. (Integer) |
Xscale | Scale factor for strain rate
variable in Table_ID. (Real) |
Yscale | Scale factor for yield stress value
defined by Table_ID. (Real) |
Initial shear yield
stress. (Real) |
Q | Voce hardening
modulus. (Real) |
Voce nonlinear hardening
exponent. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
H | Linear hardening
exponent. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
A1F | Yield function
parameter. (Real) |
A2F | Yield function
parameter. (Real) |
A1H | Yield function distortional
hardening parameter. (Real) |
A2H | Yield function distortional
hardening parameter. (Real) |
AS | Plastic flow function parameter for
hydrostatic term. (Real) |
C | Johnson-Cook strain rate
coefficient for hardening. (Real) |
Quasi-static threshold strain rate
in Johnson-Cook term. (Real) |
Maximum dynamic threshold strain
rate in Johnson-Cook term. (Real) |
D1c | Johnson-Cook parameter for damage
initiation. (Real) |
D2c | Johnson-Cook parameter for damage
initiation. (Real) |
D1f | Johnson-Cook parameter for failure
strain. (Real) |
D2f | Johnson-Cook parameter for failure
strain. (Real) |
Dtrx | Johnson-Cook damage parameter for
triaxiality term. (Real) |
DJC | Johnson-Cook strain rate parameter
for damage. (Real) |
Exp_n | Exponential coefficient for damage
strain rate dependency. (Real) |
Example (Adhesive Polymer)
Material model units
Mg mm s
Adhesive polymer
1.2E-9 0
# E Nu Iform Itrx Idam
1588 .34 1 0 0
# TAU0 Q beta H
19.66 2.746 24.98 13.35
# A1F A2F A1H A2H AS
0.446 0.218 0.24 0.1 0.338
# CC Epsp_ref Epsp_max
0.1 0.002 1726
# D1c D2c D1f D2f
0.345 1.094 6.935 0.00
# D_trx D_JC Exp_n
0.001 1.044 0
- The yield function is described depending on the Iform flag:
- Iform = 1: Drucker-Prager formulation:
- Iform = 2: von Mises formulation:
These 2 functions are written in terms of the damaged stress tensor:
Where, represents the isotropic damage.
- Iform = 1: Drucker-Prager formulation:
- Plastic potential is expressed as:
- Yield stress is rate dependent:
- Table_ID ≠ 0, the yield stress is tabulated.
- Table_ID = 0, it is analytic.
Where, .
- Damage initiation and rupture are function of triaxiality