
Block Format Keyword Interfaces solve the contact and impact conditions between two parts of a model. Several interface types are available in Radioss and use different contact treatments.

Each of these interfaces was developed for a specific application field. However, this application field is not the only selection criteria. Some limitations of the different algorithms used in each interface can also determine the choice.

Interface Types

Contact Treatment Types Application Description
Kinematic Constraint Tied /INTER/TYPE2 Change of mesh density (solid) Tied connection between two Lagrangian materials.
Penalty method Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE3 Use of TYPE7 is recommended Sliding with void opening and friction between two Lagrangian surfaces.

Symmetric computation (J. Hallquist algorithm).

Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE5 Use of TYPE7 is recommended Sliding with void opening and friction between two Lagrangian surfaces.

Non-symmetric computations (main-secondary algorithm).

Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE6 User-defined contacts Impact contact between two rigid surfaces.
Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE7 Solid contact impact at all speeds Multipurpose interface.

Can be used in place of TYPE3 or TYPE5. Node to Segment contact.

Slide /INTER/TYPE8 Stamping applications Drawbead line.
Tied / Void /INTER/TYPE10 Special purpose interface Tied contact + void opening (optional)
Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE11 For beams, bars or springs Edge to Edge contact.
Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE14 For MADYMO to Radioss coupling. Hyper-ellipsoid to nodes contact
Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE15 For MADYMO to Radioss coupling. Hyper-ellipsoid to elements contact
Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE19 Solid contact impact at all speeds and for beams, bars or springs. General contact interface.

Node to segment contact and Edge to Edge contact.

Equivalent to one interface TYPE7 + one interface TYPE11.

Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE21 For stamping Specific interface between a non-deformable main surface and a secondary surface designed for stamping.
Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE23 For airbag Soft penalty contact for airbag.
Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE24 This contact interface can replace interface TYPE3, TYPE5, or TYPE7. General contact interface
Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE25 General contact interface with linear stiffness. Multipurpose interface that can replace interface TYPE3, TYPE5, TYPE7, or TYPE24
Lagrange multiplier method Tied /INTER/LAGMUL/TYPE2 Change of mesh density (solid) Tied contact between main and secondary nodes.
Slide / Void /INTER/LAGMUL/TYPE7 Solid contact impact at all speeds multi-usage impact interface between a main surface and a list of secondary nodes.
Slide / Void /INTER/LAGMUL/TYPE16 meshes with 8-node or 16-node thick-shell or 20 bricks Contact of impact between nodes and external surfaces.
Slide / Void /INTER/LAGMUL/TYPE17 meshes with 8-node or 16-node thick-shell or 20 bricks Contact of impact between external surface of two brick groups.
Automatic Penalty Lagrange Slide / Void /INTER/LAGDT/TYPE7 Solid contact impact at all speeds Same behavior as TYPE7 with constant minimum time step.
Hertz Formulation Slide / Void /INTER/HERTZ/TYPE17 meshes with 16-node thick-shell or 20 bricks. Using Hertz contact theory to describe impact between external surface of two brick groups.
ALE Tied /INTER/TYPE1 Fluid-structure interaction Boundary between an ALE material and a Lagrangian material.
Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE9 Fluid-structure interaction ALE/Lagrange, with void opening and free surface.
FLUID / FLUID /INTER/TYPE12 Fluid to fluid contact Connects two fluid meshes with free, tied or periodic options.


Slide / Void /INTER/TYPE18 Fluid-structure interaction Coupling between a Lagrangian material an ALE material.