Block Format Keyword This option is used to set a scale factor for yield stress per element for shells.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
shell_ID nb_integr npg
Repeat the next line for each integration point and each quadrature point (nb_integr > 0, npg > 0)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


Field Contents SI Unit Example
unit_ID Optional unit identifier.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

shell_ID Element identifier.


nb_integer Integration point number through the thickness as defined in the property definition of this element.


npg Number of surface quadrature points.
= 1
Default, must be used for shell formulations Ishell =1, 2, 3, 4, 24 or Ish3n =1, 2, 31
= 3
Must be used for DKT18 shell formulation (Ish3n=30)
= 4
Must be used for BATOZ formulation (Ishell =12)
Alpha_ij Yield stress scale factor of integration point.

i in surface quadrature (npg)

j in thickness direction (nb_integer)



In this example use:

/PROP/SHELL Ishell =12 ≥ must set ngp=4 (then i=4 in Alpha_ij).

/PROP/SHELL N=3 ≥ must set nb_integr=3 (then j=3 in Alpha_ij)
Figure 1.

Then the yield stress scale factor Alpha_ij is as below. And there are totally Alpha_ij values.
Figure 2.

shell prop
#   Ishell    Ismstr     Ish3n    Idrill
        12         0         0         0
#                 hm                  hf                  hr                  dm                  dn
                   0                   0                   0                   0                   0
#        N                         Thick              Ashear              Ithick     Iplas
         3                             1                   0                   0         0
# shell_ID nb_integr       npg 
         1         3         4
#          scale_yld      


  1. The nb_integr must be equal to the number of integration points given in the shell property. For composite property, the number of integration corresponds to the sum of the number of integration (or slices) of each ply or layers.
  2. The npg must be set according to the formulation which is used in the shell property.
  3. The number of values Alpha_ij given must be equal to n p g n b _ i n t e g r .
    For i = 1
    • Alpha_11 for integration point = 1
    • Alpha_12 for integration point = 2
    • ...
    • Alpha_1j for integration point = j
    For i = 2
    • Alpha_21 for integration point = 1
    • Alpha_22 for integration point = 2
    • ...
    • Alpha_2j for integration point =j
    • ...
    For i = npg
    • ...
  4. This option is available for /MAT/LAW36 and /MAT/LAW87. The card is ignored for the other materials.