Block Format Keyword Describes the initial plastic strain for a shell in each integration point.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
shell_ID nb_integr npg Thick
ε p1 ε p2 ε p3 ε p4 ε p5


Field Contents SI Unit Example
unit_ID Unit identifier

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

shell_ID Element identifier


nb_integr Integration point number through the thickness

Must be equal to the number of integration points given in the shell property.


npg Number of surface quadrature points. Must be set according to the formulation, which is used in the shell property.
= 0 (Default)
Set to 1
= 1
Must be used for shell formulations shell_ID =1, 2, 3, 4 or Ish3n =1, 2, 31
= 3
Must be used for DKT18 shell formulation (Ish3n =30)
= 4
Must be used for BATOZ or QEPH formulation (shell_ID =12, 24)


Thick Shell thickness. Will be used instead of the thickness given into property or in the shell definition.


ε p1 First plastic strain


ε p2 Second plastic strain


ε p3 Third plastic strain


ε p4 Fourth plastic strain


ε p5 Fifth plastic strain



  1. For npg = 0 or 1, this reduces to the list of plastic strain values from the first point to the nb_integrth one.
  2. Values of Epsp are given in sequence Line 4 in the following order:
    • For each Integration point through the thickness j=1, nb_integr
    • For each surface quadrature point i=1,npg
    • Input ε pi,j