Describes the different initial state for a brick. The initial state for brick may be defined by more than one block.
Block Format Keyword Definition of the initial crack.
Block Format Keyword Defines initial state from hydrostatic pressure due to gravity loading.
Block Format Keyword Map 1D velocities and thermodynamic values into 2D or 3D space using spherical, cylindrical, or planar mapping methods. The mapped results are used with /ALE/EULER materials.
Block Format Keyword Map 1D velocities and thermodynamic values into 2D or 3D space using spherical, cylindrical, or planar mapping methods. The mapped results are used with /ALE/EULER materials.
Block Format Keyword Map 2D velocity and thermodynamic values into a 3D axi-symmetric space for use with /ALE/EULER materials.
Block Format Keyword Map 2D velocity and thermodynamic values into a 3D axi-symmetric space for use with /ALE/EULER materials.
Block Format Keyword Describes the different initial state for a quad element.
Block Format Keyword Describes the initial state for spring elements. All values defined in this card will be applied at the beginning on the computation.
Block Format Keyword Describes the initial state file.
Block Format Keyword Describes the initial nodal temperature.
Block Format Keyword Describes the initial state for truss elements. All values defined in this card will be applied at the beginning on the computation.
Block Format Keyword Defines initial velocity on a group of nodes.
Block Format Keyword Initialize both translational and rotational velocities on a group of nodes in a given coordinate system.
Block Format Keyword Defines initial material velocities on a group of elements (bricks, quad or triangles) for the Finite Volume solver.
Block Format Keyword Initialize translational and rotational velocities on each node in the global or in a given coordinate system.
Block Format Keyword For multi-material ALE modeling, this initial condition defines the initial volumetric fractions on a side of a defined surface.
Block Format Keyword Allows to read an initial state (blocks /INISHE, /INISH3, and /INIBRI) by specifying the name of a stress file possibly compressed using GZIP.