Block Format Keyword This option is used to initialize internal variables of user type material laws for shells (UVAR buffer).


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
shell_ID nb_integr npg nvars
For each integration point (Nb_integer > 0)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
V1 V2 V3 Vnvars


Field Contents SI Unit Example
shell_ID Element identifier


nb_integr Integration point number through the thickness

It corresponds to the property definition of this element. Must be equal to the number of integration points given in the shell property.


npg Number of surface quadrature points. Must be set according to the formulation which is used in the shell property.
= 0 (Default)
Set to 1
= 1
Must be used for shell formulations shell_ID =1, 2, 3, 4, 24 or Ish3n =1, 2, 31
= 3
Must be used for DKT18 shell formulation (Ish3n =30)
= 4
Must be used for BATOZ formulation (shell_ID =12)


nvars Number of auxiliary internal variables. Is the number of the first user variables to be initialized for a shell. It must be less or equal to the total number of internal variables used in a user type law (NUVAR).


V1 1st auxiliary variable value


Vnvars nvarsth auxiliary variable value



  1. It also may be necessary to complete the initial state of shells issued from a previous Radioss run. In this case, these values may be obtained during the previous Radioss Engine run, using option /STATE/SHELL/AUX/FULL.
  2. It must be noticed that the contents of the blocks will not necessarily be detailed.
  3. For npg = 0 or 1 and nb_integr > 0, the sequence Line 4 has to be repeated for each integration point.
  4. For npg = 3 or 4, sequence Line 4 must be repeated for each quadrature point and for each integration point as follows:
    • repeat for each quadrature point
    • repeat for each integration point
    • Line 4
  5. The initial state for shells may be defined by more than one block.