Electric Powertrain

There have been significant advances in performance and architecture of electric vehicle powertrains. Generally, these are the dominant powertrain layouts seen in EVs:
  • Single Motor
  • Dual Motor (one per axle)
  • Tri Motor (one at the front axle - two at the rear)
  • Quad Motor (one for each wheel)
  • Quad in-wheel Motor

Powertrain architectures may vary in terms of component types, but the core functionality remains consistent. They must convert electric energy into kinetic energy and deliver torque to the vehicle. The powertrain system architecture also accounts for features like regenerative braking, active torque distribution between motors for enhanced efficiency, realistic motor efficiency, and maximum torque information.

The Altair Twin Activate offers the capability to represent these diverse powertrain models in a 0D-1D environment and integrate them into MotionView/MotionSolve using the FMU/FMI interface.

This section provides a detailed overview of two specific configurations, a Single Motor Electric Powertrain and a Dual Motor Electric Powertrain, developed in Altair Twin Activate to be included in MotionView's vehicle libraries.

The models incorporates intelligent system management, allowing you to input their own motor data and choose from various torque distribution strategies to minimize power consumption. Additionally, it offers extensive parameterization for the vehicle's regenerative braking behavior.

The powertrain models are available in MotionView as part of the Vehicle Tools Extension Library.