pltIPlot ExportEMF

Exports the plot as an Microsoft EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) file.


pltIPlot_handle ExportEMF filename width height


Tcl Query


Exports the plot as an EMF file.


Enter a filename, for example, ExportEMF test.emf, to export your plot with the same screen resolution as displayed in the GUI.
filename width
Enter a new filename, as well as the desired width. The plot is output and rendered the first time using the width specified, and the ratio is calculated to display the correct height so the plot stays proportionate.
For example, ExportEMF test_3840.emf 3840 outputs the plot with the width of 3840.
filename width height
Enter a new filename, as well as the desired width and height. The plot is output and rendered the first time using the width and height specified. If you enter both the width and height, then the values are hard-coded into the file.
For example, ExportEMF test_3840_2048.emf 3840 2048 outputs the plot with the width of 3840 and a height of 2048.


To export your plot with the same screen resolution as displayed in the GUI:
plot ExportEMF test.emf
To output the plot with the width of 3840:
plot ExportEMF test_3840.emf 3840 
To output the plot with the width of 3840 and a height of 2048:
plot ExportEMF test_3840_2048.emf 3840 2048 


Success (0) or an error code.


The export to Microsoft EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) format is supported on Windows only.



XY Plot

