Task Wizard Dialog

The Task Wizard dialog allows you to select the analysis tasks to be run.

The dialog displays options related to the current model in a series of panels. For example, if you have assembled a standalone powertrain model, the task wizard only displays powertrain analysis options.
Moves to the next panel.
Returns to the previous panel for review or edit.
Closes the Task Wizard.

Front End Tasks

Figure 1.

Analysis Setup

Figure 2.

Vehicle Parameters

Figure 3.

Kinematic and Compliance Parameters

Figure 4.

Additional Options and Conditions

Figure 5.

Any number of analysis tasks can be loaded into a model using the Task Wizard. Analysis tasks are displayed in the Model Browser. The analysis task is added to the model file when the model is saved so that it is loaded each time you open the model file.

Add an Analysis

Once a model is built using the Assembly Wizard, an analysis can be added to the model using the Task Wizard .
Figure 6. Task Wizard Dialog

The analysis may present Forms, if existing, for inputs that configure the analysis. Upon Finish, the analysis is imported into the model.
Note: Multiple analyses can be added to a model invoking the Task Wizard each time.