Delaunay Meshing 

You use the Delaunay Triangulation algorithm when you import a custom particle shape to ensure that the particle is convex.

Delaunay meshing produces a shape that is compatible with the EDEM Polyhedral solver. You can use this option only on shapes that are nearly convex but have minor concavity due to the meshing process or CAD generation. Delaunay triangulation is used to maximize each triangle's minimum angle to produce a mesh with no high aspect ratio or slither triangles and frequently reduce the number of triangle elements.

The following example shows a Standard and Delaunay import: 

The Delaunay mesh is designed so that no new nodes appear within the circumsphere of any triangle element. The following example describes the same in 2D with circles but the same principles are applied with spheres for 3D meshes. A triangle element cannot be formed because the node is within the circumcircle of another triangle, and, therefore does not satisfy the Delaunay criteria.

The following example shows a Delaunay mesh that satisfies the Delaunay criteria: