About EDEM
EDEM is a high-performance simulation software for bulk and granular materials.
Discrete Element Method (DEM), also known as the Distinct Element Method, is any of a family of numerical methods for computing the motion and effect of a large number of small particles. DEM is the way to simulate the movement of granular materials through a series of calculations that trace individual particles constituting the granular material.
Powered by DEM, simulates and analyzes the behavior of coal, mined ores, soils, fibers, grains, tablets, and powders, among others, with speed and precision. EDEM simulation allows you to learn how materials will interact with their equipment under a range of operating and process conditions. It can be used independently or in conjunction with other CAE tools.
EDEM Creator
EDEM Creator allows you to create a representational model of your bulk material quickly and efficiently. You can specify the components of the DEM material model, such as the contact physics and model particle form and size distribution, with the help of available tools. You can also import CAD models of actual particles and use them to estimate model particle forms and calculate inertial characteristics. In addition, importing CAD models of equipment Geometry in a variety of formats is also supported, and model components can be grouped, relocated, and duplicated. Each group's motion can be set separately. EDEM's Particle Factory technology offers a one-of-a-kind approach for rapidly creating particle assemblies utilizing simple 3D CAD functionality in association with the imported equipment Geometry.
EDEM Simulator
EDEM Simulator allows you to configure and control the operation of the EDEM simulation engine, which is highly parallelized and designed to run on shared memory parallel multi-core computers and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The greater the model size, the better the parallel efficiency. Simulation time and data save intervals can also be specified. In the Solve report, the simulation status can be visualized and validated. EDEM has a rewind feature that allows a simulation to be replayed from any point, with or without model changes. The batch mode allows EDEM to be run from the command line.
EDEM Analyst
EDEM Analyst includes a number of post-processing tools for analyzing, visualizing, and exporting simulation data. A variety of binning techniques, including the use of moving CAD volumes synchronized with equipment Geometry movement, can be used to extract bulk behavior metrics from particle-scale simulation data. EDEM generates quick, parallelized, 3D visualizations of the bulk particle system, complete with cutaway views. Visualizations can be exported to still images or video formats.
EDEM Customization
EDEM's Application Programming Interface (API) and Coupling Interface add-ons allow for extensive customization. User Defined Libraries (UDLs) written in C++ using the API allow EDEM's default physics capability to be extended to simulate a wide range of particle-particle, particle-fluid, particle-structure, or particle-electromagnetic interactions using external models, custom, or third-party solvers. Within a model, you can associate any property with particles, contacts, and Geometry elements globally.
EDEM has a Python library, EDEMpy, which allows you to set up a simulation from a Python script and perform advanced custom post-processing on the results.