EDEMpy is a Python library for accessing EDEM data from .h5 files (the underlying EDEM file format). EDEMpy does not require prior knowledge of advanced programming.

EDEMpy enables pre-processing and post-processing of EDEM data using the vast array of tools offered by the Python ecosystem.

EDEMpy is installed by default with EDEM, including its dependencies: NumPy and h5py. It is also recommended to install the following tools, as these are commonly used by EDEM users and are mandatory for some of the examples (available in the EDEM knowledge base):

Matplotlib: Python library for data plotting and visualization

Currently, the officially supported platform for EDEMpy is Python version 3.8.10.

The default Altair installation path includes the correct version installed at:
  • Windows:C:\Program Files\Altair\<version number>\common\python\python3.8\win64\python.exe
  • Linux:~/<version number>/altair/common/python/python3.8/linux64/bin/python
CAUTION: It may not be safe to modify the Altair Python installation by installing EDEMpy or any other packages. This could cause unexpected behavior in EDEM and other Altair software. It is recommended to follow these instructions to create an independent Virtual Environment for each project.

Get Started with EDEMpy Documentation

EDEMpy API documentation is included in the EDEM installation folder.

For more information about the installation, see the Help included in the EDEM installation folder.

Alternatively, the default installation path is as follows:
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Altair\<version number>\EDEM\EDEMpy\help\index.html
  • Linux: ~/<version number>/altair/EDEM/EDEMpy/help/index.html

You can access the same information for individual functions directly from a Python console using the built-in help() command. For example, to see the documentation for the Deck class, use the following command:

>>> import edempy
>>> help(edempy.Deck)
For more information about EDEMpy examples, see the EDEM Community pages.
# Import EDEMpy library 
from edempy import Deck
from IPython.display import display, Markdown

# Open the edem example deck 
with Deck('Example.dem') as deck:
    # Select the first timestep in the simulation
    timestep = deck.timestep[0]
    # Select the geometry with name 'Box 1' from this timestep
    box_geometry =  timestep.geometry['Box 1']
    # Select the geometry at index 0 from this timestep
    cylinder_geometry =  timestep.geometry[0]

    # Print the names of the selected geometries
    display(Markdown('### Output:'))
    print('selected geometries:')