Size Distribution for Particle Shapes

You can specify the size distribution for the particle shapes in each Bulk Material including Meta-Particles.

The scaling options for the size distributions are relative to the defined particle size.
  • 'Scale by Radius’ scales all length dimensions in direct proportion to the specified value.
  • 'Scale by Volume’ scales all length dimensions to the cube-root of the specified value.
The following size distribution options are available:
  • Fixed

    All particles are created with an equal size and volume.

  • Lognormal
    Particle shapes have a lognormal distribution. The average (mean) particle radius or volume and the standard deviation must be defined. The mean and standard deviation can be defined using a logarithmic or linear scale. With a logarithmic scale, the input values are exponential functions. For example, a mean value of 1 in the logarithmic scale denotes an actual scaling of 2.718 in the linear scale.
    Note: The mean and standard deviation should both be normalized - the mean is the ratio of the mean to the input particle radius or volume and similarly for the standard deviation.
  • Normal

    Particle shapes have a normal distribution. The average (mean) particle radius or volume and the standard deviation must be defined. The mean and standard deviation should both be normalized - the mean is the ratio of the mean to the input particle radius or volume and similarly for the standard deviation. Use the capping options to cap the maximum and minimum particle sizes.

  • Random

    Particle radii are randomly sized within a set size range. For example, with a minimum size of 0.5 and a maximum of 1.5 and scale by Radius selected, particles no smaller than half and no bigger than one-and-a-half times the size of the standard size are produced.

  • User defined

    For mass generation of particles only, input a scale and percentage of total mass to be generated at that scale. Data can also be imported from CSV files where the first column is the scale and second column is percentage of mass. This data can also be pasted directly into the table. Percentage mass values must add up to 100%. User Defined size distributions can only be used with Mass Generation factories, number of particles (total number or number per second) factories are not supported.