Export to Geo-Referenced Bitmap

Geo-Referenced Bitmap

Export the geo-referenced data by clicking File > Export > Export data (Area) > Export Geo Bitmap.

The geo-referenced bitmap export of ProMan creates a bitmap where each pixel of the prediction area becomes a pixel of the resulting bitmap. Additionally, an ASCII file containing the geographical information is created. This export option can be used to visualize WinProp prediction data in third-party GIS tools.

The following images formats are supported:
  • .bmp
  • .jpg
  • .pcx
  • .png
  • .tga
  • .tif
Figure 1. Example of a geo-referenced map.

Figure 2. The ASCII file containing the pixel size, rotation about axes and the X and Y coordinates.

The ASCII file contains the following information:
  • Line 1: Pixel size in the x-direction in map units per pixel.
  • Line 2: Rotation about the y-axis.
  • Line 3: Rotation about the x-axis.
  • Line 4: Pixel size in the y-direction in map units per pixel.
  • Line 5: X-coordinate in meter of the center of the upper-left pixel.
  • Line 6: Y-coordinate in meter of the center of the upper-left pixel.