WinProp Command Line Interface

The WinProp command line interface (WinPropCLI) executable enables you to run WinProp projects in batch mode without launching the graphical user interface (GUI). It is available on both Microsoft Windows and Linux. Internally, the WinPropCLI executable calls the WinProp API. The WinPropCLI can be used within queuing systems such as Altair PBS, Torque, LSF, GridEngine and more.

The general syntax for computing ProMan projects is:
WinPropCLI -F file [options]
for example:
WinPropCLI -F C:\ -A
The syntax for computing a preprocessing is:
WinPropCLI -I file
for example:
WinPropCLI -I C:\
WinPropCLI -I C:\MyProject.pre
Note: Find the executable WinPropCLI in the Altair installation directory, for example: Altair\2024.1\feko\bin\WinPropCLI.exe.


Print help messages.
-F [ --file-project ] arg
Project file to compute.
--dynamic-limit arg (=-1)
Limit the dynamic of base station antenna patterns.
--filter-results arg (=-1)
Use arithmetic filter for prediction results during computation.
--multi-threading arg (=-1)
Use multiple threads for computation.
-P [ --run-pro ]
Compute the propagation.
-M [ --run-ms ]
Compute mobile station post processing.
-N [ --run-net ]
Compute the network planning.
-A [ --run-all ]
Compute all in the project enabled modes (same as ---run-pro --run-ms --run-net).
--results-pro arg
Results directory for propagation, if empty, results directory from project is taken. Absolute or relative to project file. Used for output of --run-pro and as input of --run-ms and --run-net.
--results-ms arg
Results directory for postprocessing, if empty, results directory from project is taken. Absolute or relative to project file. Used for output of --run-ms and as input of --run-net.
-results-net arg
Results directory for network planning, if empty, results directory from project is taken. Absolute or relative to project file.
Disable updating ProMan project files after computation.
-I [ --process-db ] arg
Database preprocessing. The expected argument is the path (including file extension) of a .pin or .pre file for indoor or urban preprocessing, respectively.
-D [ --db-out ] arg
Name of resulting database, without extension. Using name of input file in case this parameter is omitted.
-R [ --convert-res ] arg

Convert the binary result into WinProp ASCII format. The expected argument is the path (including file extension) of the binary result file.

--res-out arg
Name of resulting ASCII file, without extension. If this parameter is not specified, the input file name is used.
-S [ --show-progress ] arg
Show progress information mode (detailed, global, or auto).
The options are:
--show-progress d
Display detailed progress information for each individual thread.
--show-progress g
Display global progress information (good for performance when there are many threads).
--show-progress a
Select the optimum progress display mode (detailed or global) according to the number of threads and transmitters. This is the default.
-V [ --version ]
Print the Altair WinProp version.

Occasionally, a feature or option that is available in the GUI may not be included in the API yet. Over time, this will be increasingly rare. If a feature or option is not yet included in the API, WinPropCLI returns an error message to the command line. In case a network planning feature is not supported by WinPropCLI, it is still possible to compute the time consuming propagation using WinPropCLI, and then later on, compute the network planning within ProMan.