Split/Combine Morph Volumes

Use the Morph Volumes: Split/Combine tool to split morph volumes using a single or multiple locations along an edge, combine adjacent morph volumes along shared faces, join pairs of separate morph volumes, or equivalence any number of morph volume faces using a search distance.

  1. From the Morph ribbon, click the Morph Volumes > Split/Combine tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Choose the operation to perform from the guide bar.
    Split Pick a split location on a morph volume edge using the mouse. Reposition the split location using snaps, or use the microdialog to change number of splits.

    - Toggle between splitting the selected edge with a single cut or multiple cuts . Use the text box to adjust the position of a single cut as a ratio of the edge length, or adjust the number of multiple cuts

    - Enforce tangency of the adjacent volumes after the split.

    - Generate morph handles at the vertices of the split location (recommended). Disabling this option will not allow any morphing of the vertices, edges, or faces at the split location.

    Combine Combine rows of adjacent morph volumes that share a common face. Use the microdialog to toggle tangency of the new combined volume with its neighbors.

    - Enforce tangency of any adjacent volumes after the combination.

    - Keep morph handles at the vertices of the combined location.

    Join Join morph volumes that do not share a common face. Use the microdialog to choose the join location and toggle tangency.

    - Choose the location to join the volumes. Either move the faces of both volumes to their midpoint, or keep the face of the first or second selected volume.

    - Enforce tangency of the newly joined volumes.

    - Automatically register any new inner nodes to their respective enclosing volumes after they are joined.

    Equivalence Bulk join any non-adjacent morph volumes that have faces within the specified search distance. Use the microdialog to optionally restrict the search to only selected volumes, and toggle their new tangency.

    - Use this button to optionally select candidate volumes to equivalence. If left empty all volumes are considered candidates.

    - Enforce tangency of the newly joined volumes.

    - Automatically register any new inner nodes to their respective enclosing volumes after they are joined.

  3. Click the action button in the microdialog to confirm the operation.