Edit Midmesh Topology

Use the Midmesh: Edit Topology tool to edit midmesh topology.

  1. From the 2D ribbon, click the Midmesh > Edit Topology tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Edit topology.
    To edit topology byDo this
    Suppress edges
    1. Set the Source selector to Lines, then select shared edges in the midmesh.
    2. Click Suppress.
    Imprint lines onto elements
    1. Set the Source selector to Lines, then select CAD lines to imprint.
    2. Optional: Using the Target selector, select target elements.
    3. In the microdialog, select one of the following options:
      • Cycle source guide surfaces ()
      • Imprint normal to source guide surfaces ()
      • Imprint tangential to source guide surfaces ()
      • Imprint shortest distance to target ()
    4. Optional: In the microdialog, click to add, remove, and move the point handles to modify the imprint preview.
      • Add: click on an imprint preview line to add handles.
      • Remove: Shift + click on point handles to remove them.
      • Move: drag the point handles to move them.
      • Reset: set the handles to their initial states.
    5. Optional: On the guide bar, click and select Align after topology edit to align edges using guide lines after imprint.
    6. Click Imprint.
    Note: If both CAD lines and midmesh shared edges are selected, the Imprint and Suppress buttons are displayed together.
    Create new edge Split topology to create a new edge in the following ways:
    • Create a new edge between two nodes.
      1. Set the Source selector to Nodes.
      2. Optional: On the guide bar, click and select Align after topology edit to align edges using guide lines after splitting.
      3. Optional: On the guide bar, check Retain last node to retain the last node of the previous split.
      4. Select two nodes.
    • Create a new edge between a node and an edge.
      1. Set the Source selector to Nodes.
      2. Optional: On the guide bar, click and select Align after topology edit to align edges using guide lines after splitting.
      3. Select a node and an edge.
      4. In the microdialog, select whether to use a shortest (), source node to imprinted node (), tangential (), or mixed () path.
      5. Click Split.
    • Create a new edge on an FE edge
      1. Set the Source selector to FE Edges.
      2. Optional: On the guide bar, click and select Align after topology edit to align edges using guide lines after splitting.
      3. Click splitedges.