Split Interactive

Use the Split/Stitch tool to quickly create fixed points on surfaces and edges, and split surfaces with lines. You can also remove fixed points from surfaces or surface edges to unsplit them.

Note: This tool is supported for FE geometry.
  1. From the Topology ribbon, click the Split/Stitch tool.
    Figure 1.

  2. From the guide bar, select Split-Interactive.
  3. Click and drag on a surface to split the surface with a line.
    • To add a fixed point, left-click on a surface or surface edge.
    • To split the line at a selected location, left-click on a free line.
    Note: Suppression of fixed points considers break angle. The angle is defined in Preferences > Geometry > Face Selection.
    The surface is split along the new line.
Tip: Use snap points to create fixed points at predefined locations on the model, such as end, middle, and center points. To remove the fixed points or split lines, press the hold Shift and select the point or line.