Quick Edit

Use the Quick Edit tool to split surfaces and washers, change the category (shared, free, and so on) of edges, create or delete surfaces and points, project points, and trim fillets.

  1. From the Topology ribbon, select the Quick Edit tool.
    Figure 1.

  2. From the guide bar, select a function.
    Function Action
    Split-Interactive Create fixed points on surfaces and edges and split surfaces with lines.
    1. Click and drag on a surface to split the surface with a line.
      1. To add a fixed point, left-click on a surface or surface edge.
      2. To split the line at a selected location, left-click on a free line.
      The surface is split along the new line.
    Washer Split Create a washer seated on a hole in your model.
    1. Select lines.
    2. Enter an offset distance in the microdialog.
    1. Select two locations on surface edges to remove cuts.
    Parametric Restore suppressed fixed points.
    1. Select a surface.
    2. Enter a number of fixed points in the microdialog.
    Toggle Edge Toggle edges from free to shared, suppressed to shared, shared to free, or shared to suppressed.
    1. Stick or unstitch surfaces in the following ways:
      • Select surfaces to stitch in the modeling window then click Stitch on the guide bar.
      • Repair geometry by replacing edges and points.
        • Click-and-drag an edge to another edge, or click-and-drag a point to another point.
        • Select the point(s) to move, then click one of the selected points that you wish to retain and combine with the other selected points.
      • Left-click on a surface edge to advance its topology state from free to shared. Conversely, hold Shift while left-clicking to regress its topology state from shared to free.
    2. Suppress or unsuppress edges in the following ways:
      • Left-click on a surface edge to advance its topology state from shared to suppressed. Conversely, hold Shift while left-clicking to regress its topology state from suppressed to shared.
      • Select the surface(s) to suppress, enter a value in the microdialog to adjust the feature edge, then click to suppress all selected surface edges.
    Replace Point Move points from their current locations to the locations of other points, effectively combining them.
    1. Select a point to be stitched.
    2. Select a point to be replaced.
    Filler Surface
    1. Double-click a closed-loop line (a hole) in your model to create a surface that filles the hole.
  3. On the guide bar, complete one of the following:
    • Click to apply and stay in the tool.
    • Click to apply and close the tool.
    • Click to exit the tool without applying.