Add a Field Name to a Note

  1. From the Annotate tools, click the Notes tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Double-click on the note to edited.
  3. Use the in-place editor to type in your expression or use the "+" drop-down menu to insert commonly used fields.

    Figure 2. Note in-place editor
  4. For advanced fields, click the top right button in the editor to open the floating Entity Editor dialog.
  5. Click on the Text field to open the Note text editor.

    Figure 3. Note text editor
  6. Select the appropriate field along with numeric format and precision, wherever applicable, to insert the field.
  7. Click Apply or OK to confirm your changes.

Field Names

The Field names drop-down menu allows you to select fields to be used in a Templex expression. The available options change depending on the attachment type selected from the Attach to drop-down menu, as well as the post-processing that has been applied.

Each field name has a Templex expression assigned to it. Below is a brief description of the Templex expressions that relate to the Window and Entity attachment types.

For Templex expressions that return a numeric value, the format and precision can be controlled by the user. Simply set the desired format and precision value before clicking Insert Field so that the expression with the proper syntax is inserted into the note box.
Figure 4.


The title of the currently loaded model.
The label of the current subcase.
The label of the current simulation step.
Displays the path of the current model file.
Displays the current model file name only (without the path).
Displays the path of the current result file.
Displays the current result file name only (without the path).
Displays the path of the file name for the current loadcase. This option is useful when loading multiple result files on a single model.
Note: In the case of a derived loadcase, which could be created from several result files, the expressions are shown as N/A.
Displays the file name (without the path) for the current loadcase. This option is useful when loading multiple result files on a single model.
Note: In the case of a derived loadcase, which could be created from several result files, the expressions are shown as N/A.
Displays the current result frame number for the model.
Displays the full label of the current simulation step of a Steps based Derived Loadcase. This expression is not relevant to regular loadcase or envelope/LSP loadcases.
Multiple Model info
{for (i = 0; i != numpts(window.modeltitlelist); ++i) }
{window.modelidlist[i]}: {window.modeltitlelist[i]}
{window.loadcaselist[i]} : {window.simulationsteplist[i]} : {window.framelist[i]}
Displays information about all of the models loaded in a window. This expression block is located within a for loop.
  • The individual expressions within the loop are similar in syntax to the ones used for displaying information related to the current model, with the addition of a list[i] at the end. For example, to request the model title, the expression for the current model is {window.modeltitle}, whereas to request the titles of all of the models, the expression is {window.modeltitlelist[i]}.
  • {window.modelidlist[i]} is a new expression.
  • In previous versions, changes have been made to the model info content as a result of which the result file name is no longer shown by default. This can be easily modified should you wish to do so by adding the expression {window.resultfilenamelist[i]} within the for loop. This modification can be done either at the session level, or globally in the Preference file.
Active Model info
{window.modelid}: {window.modeltitle}
{window.loadcase} : {window.simulationstep} : {window.frame}
Displays important information about the current model.


The ID of the entity the note is attached to.
The label of the entity the note is attached to. Returns “Element” for element, “Node” for node, and the label of the "part" for part (component).
The pool name to which the entity belongs to.
The global coordinates of the entity the note is attached to. In the case of parts and elements, it is the centroid coordinates of the entity.
Note: Format and precision for this field can be modified. If you would like to change the format and precision, set it before inserting the field in the note box.
The ID of the parent of the entity the notes is attached to. For example, part (component) is the parent for nodes and assembly is the parent to part (component).
The label of the parent of the entity the note is attached to.
The pool name of the parent of the entity the note is attached to.
The contour value of the entity the note is attached to.
Note: From version 2019, this expression returns the underlying numeric value instead of subcase or simulation information in the case of envelope subcase/simulation trace plot.

To display subcase or simulation information in a note use the new expressions entity.envelope_subcase or entity.envelope_simulation.

Older session files, when loaded in version 2019, will automatically be updated to use the new expressions.

Note: Format and precision for this field can be modified. If you would like to change the format and precision, set it before inserting the field in the note box. In the case of a MaxLayer, MinLayer, ExtremeLayer or Top/Bottom contour plot the evaluated expression returns a string and not a numeric value. In this case, format and precision are not available.
For a "part" (component) entity type, it corresponds to the max contour value of the entity the note is attached to.

This does not have any significance for nodes/elements. It is the same as the contour value at that node/element.

Note: Format and precision for this field can be modified. If you would like to change the format and precision, set it before inserting the field in the note box.
For a "part" (component) entity type, it corresponds to the min contour value of the entity the note is attached to.

This does not have any significance for nodes/elements. It is the same as the contour value at that node/element.

Note: Format and precision for this field can be modified. If you would like to change the format and precision, set it before inserting the field in the note box.
For a top/bottom layer contour, it corresponds to the top layer's contour value of the entity the note is attached to.

This does not have any significance for a single layer contour. It just shows the layer's contour value.

Note: Format and precision for this field can be modified. If you would like to change the format and precision, set it before inserting the field in the note box.
For a top/bottom layer contour, it corresponds to the bottom layer's contour value of the entity the note is attached to.

This does not have any significance for a single layer contour. It just shows the layer's contour value.

Note: Format and precision for this field can be modified. If you would like to change the format and precision, set it before inserting the field in the note box.
The name of the data type which is contoured currently (for example: Displacement).
The data type component which is contoured currently (for example: Mag).
Returns the layer name for which the result is contoured (for example: z1, z2, mid).
Returns the layer name for the top layer of the contour result (for example: z1, z2, mid).
Returns the layer name for the bottom layer of the contour result (for example: z1, z2, mid).
The current minimum of the static legend in the contour panel.
Note: Format and precision for this field can be modified. If you would like to change the format and precision, set it before inserting the field in the note box.
The current maximum of the static legend in the contour panel.
Note: Format and precision for this field can be modified. If you would like to change the format and precision, set it before inserting the field in the note box.
The current minimum of the dynamic legend in the contour panel.
Note: Format and precision for this field can be modified. If you would like to change the format and precision, set it before inserting the field in the note box.
The current maximum of the dynamic legend in the contour panel.
Note: Format and precision for this field can be modified. If you would like to change the format and precision, set it before inserting the field in the note box.
The subcase to which the value belongs. Applicable only in the case of envelope load case trace plots.
The simulation to which the value belongs. Applicable only in the case of envelope load case trace plots (except for a subcase trace plot).
Note: Whenever there is a tensor plot or a vector plot applied on the model, the Templex expression could potentially use tensor or vector, instead of contour. For example: {entity.tensor_val}, {entity.vector_val}, {tensor.datatype}, {vector.dataype}, etc.
The component ID of the entity the note is attached to.
The component label of the entity the note is attached to.
The material ID of the entity the note is attached to.
The material label of the entity the note is attached to.
The property ID of the entity the note is attached to.
The property label of the entity the note is attached to.
The element corner IDs of the element.
The global coordinates of the entity the note is attached to, at model step. In the case of parts and elements, it is the centroid coordinates of the entity.
The global coordinates of the entity the note is attached to, at given step ID. In the case of parts and elements, it is the centroid coordinates of the entity.
Example: {entity.position@step10} – gives the global coordinates at step ID 10.
The component ID of the entity for which maximum contour value exists. This would be useful when there is a shared node and there are multiple contour values coming from different components.
The component ID of the entity for which minimum contour value exists. This would be useful when there is a shared node and there are multiple contour values coming from different components.
The contour value of the given result definition id and of the entity the note is attached to. This is used in the HyperView - MultiCore profile only.
Example: {entity.contour_val.result5} - gives the contour value of the scalar definition ID 5.
The vector value of the given result definition id and of the entity the note is attached to. This is used in the HyperView - MultiCore profile only.
Example: {entity.vector_val.result5} - gives the vector value of the vector definition ID 5.
The tensor value of the given result definition id and of the entity the note is attached to. This is used in the HyperView - MultiCore profile only.
Example: {entity.tensor_val.result5} - gives the tensor value of the tensor definition ID 5.