Defining a Collision Set

  1. From the Collision Detection panel, select a collision set from the Collision Sets list.
    Each collision set is defined by two groups, A and B. A group can contain more than one component.
  2. Select components for Group A.
    • Use the Component input collector.
    • Pick components directly from the modeling window.
  3. Click Add.
    The selected components are added to Group A.
  4. Select components for Group B.
    • Use the Component input collector.
    • Pick components directly from the modeling window.
  5. Click Add.
    The selected components are added to Group B.
  6. Check Enable proximity checking and enter a value for Minimum distance to specify the proximity at which the violated components will be detected.
    For example, if you enter 10 for Minimum Distance, the objects are considered to be in the proximity when they are within 10 units of each other. Objects that are detected to be within a defined proximity will be displayed in the color yellow.
    Note: If Enable proximity checking is unchecked, the objects will collide at their actual collision point and will be displayed in the color red.
  7. Under Show result by, specify whether to contour the results using elements or components.
    • Elements - the color display will show on all violated elements.
    • Components - the color display will show on all violated components as a solid color.
  8. Define how the objects will animate with respect to the collision point using the Animation event drop-down menu.
    Ignore Collisions Continuous animation, which ignores the collision point.
    Stop on Collision Animation stops when a collision is detected.
    Stop on Proximity Violation Animation stops when a defined proximity violation is detected.
  9. Click the Start/Pause Animation button to begin the animation and view the collision definitions.
  10. Optional: Click the Summary button to save a file containing each node that collided at each time frame.
    The summary file helps you to determine which components failed the check.