Systems Review Dialog

Use the Systems Review dialog to review the orientations of various element systems (1D, 2D, or 3D), as well as material and ply systems.

Reviewing these systems enables you to assess the integrity of model and understand the results in significance to the system of interest. Element systems can be reviewed to check normal orientations, proper connectivity, or the beam orientations. While most of these checks are performed in the pre-processing stage, this tool acts like a verification aide in post-processing. The system plots can be overlaid with Vector and Tensor plots to confirm that the results and their orientations are accurate. Various display options are available which allow you to customize the appearance of the system plot.

From the Tools menu, select Systems Review.

Figure 1. Systems Review - Element/Material/Ply Dialog

The various options available in the dialog allow you to control the display and visualization of the systems in the modeling window.

Note: For reviewing 1D Elemental, Ply, and Material systems, the Advanced Result Math template must be selected in the Load Model panel when initially loading the model and result file. In addition, a solver input deck is also required as the model file.