Sample Configuration File for Advanced Query
# Sample config file for the advanced query control.
# The purpose of using a config file is to look at a predetermined Parts list and compare the max value with a known yield value for that particular part.
# Example:
# When performing the query for this file, HyperView will look only at the parts specified in the list ( 1 2 3 4 & 5 ). The maximum value for each part will be shown in the table.
# Fail/Pass will be determined using the specified yield in the list for each part.
# if we examine the first part (ID 1 YIELD 100)
# if the maximum stress value for part 1 is:
# 1- above or equal 100 -> Red Color
# 2- between 90 & 100 -> Blue Color
# 3- less than 90 -> No Color
TYPE "component"
LOADCASE "current simulation"
ID 1 YIELD 100
ID 2 YIELD 200
ID 3 YIELD 300
ID 4 YIELD 400
ID 5 YIELD 500