Add One Entity to a Model

  1. Right-click on the "Entity" folder (for example, Points) in the Model Browser and select Add "Entity" from the context menu, or right-click on the "Entity" panel button on the toolbar.
    Tip: You can also right-click on a system in the Model Browser and use the context menu to add an "entity" (for example: Add > Reference Entity > "Entity", Add > Constraint > "Entity", Add > Force Entity > "Entity", Add > Control Entity > "Entity", Add > General MDL Entity > "Entity").
    The Add "Entity" dialog is displayed for the current entity type.
  2. The parent system name is displayed in the System field.
  3. Enter a label in the Label: field, if you want to use a different label name than the default.
    The label name can be changed at any time.
  4. Enter a variable name in the Variable: field, if you want to use a different variable name than the default.
    The variable name is required and cannot be changed after it is defined.
  5. Under Type:, select single or pair, if applicable.
  6. Select a type (if applicable). For example, when adding a Joint, select the joint type.
  7. Optional: Enter any notes in the Note: text box.
  8. Click OK.
    The new entity is added to the model in the current system, and the Add "Entity" dialog is closed.