Create, Edit, and Display Contour Plots

Use the Contour tool to visualize result data by coloring entities by value, allowing for easy identification of maximums and minimums throughout the model.

Contour plots can be created using any scalar data, including components or invariants of vector or tensor results (for example: vonMises stress, displacement magnitude).
  1. From the Post ribbon, click the Contour tool.
    Figure 1.

  2. Select a contour plot using the drop-down menu on the guide bar.
  3. Optional: Click the Create Contour satellite icon to define a new contour plot.
    Figure 2.

  4. Optional: To review and edit the current plot definition, click on the guide bar.
  5. Optional: Select a subset of components or elements on which to apply the plot.
    By default, the plot is applied to the entire model.
  6. Click Plot to display the contour.
  7. Click one of the following:
    • - Save changes and exit the tool
    • - Clear the plot
    • - Exit the tool without saving changes
  • Plots are based on the current load case and step, which can be reviewed and updated from the status bar or the browser.
  • Existing plots can also be displayed or cleared using the plot icons in the Results Browser.
  • Editing the definition for a displayed plot will automatically update the graphics. For large models, editing the plot definition may be faster if the plot is not displayed.
The standard (simple) averaging methodology supported is equivalent to the HyperView advanced one. That means that tensor/vector invariants are evaluated/extracted from the full averaged tensor quantity after each component has been averaged with respect to a given system (Global or User Defined).

Currently the averaging methods is across part boundaries.

Iso Plot
Due to current graphics limitation, the elements removed from Iso thru the slider in the legend are still “displayed” for the database and can be either selected via idle mode or via API.
3D Visualization
3D visualization of shells and 1D elements is supported when a contour is applied only when the data types are elemental bound and with single association. Support of nodal/corner bound values is a work in progress.