Change the Vector Display

The Display controls portion of the tab contains sub-tabs which allow you to control the presentation of the results/plot. The Display sub-tab allows you to change how the vectors are displayed for the created plot.
  1. From the FBD tab, click the Display sub-tab.
  2. Use the Size scaling drop-down menu to scale the vector size.
    Auto Automatically scales the vector length (the average vector length will be approximately 2% of the model size).
    Note: This is set as the default scale mode.
    By Magnitude The vector size is displayed relative to the value of the vectors.

    The Scale value field allows you to increase or decrease the size according to a scaling value.

    Uniform All vectors are displayed in a uniform size.

    You can increase or decrease the size using the Scale value field.

  3. Change the colors for the individual forces or moments (Fx, Fy, Fz, Fr, Mx, My, Mz, or Mr) by clicking the color box and selecting a different color from the palette.
  4. Select a display option for the vector heads from the first drop-down menu.
    • Arrow - Displays the vector head as an arrow.
    • None - Displays the vector head as a straight line.
  5. Select an attachment option for the vector head from the second drop-down menu.
    Tail Attaches the tail of the vector head to the reference point.
    Tip Attaches the tip of the vector head to the reference point.
    Center Attaches the center of the vector head to the reference point.
  6. Define the setting for numerical presentation of the vector plots using the Numeric format drop-down menu.
    • Scientific - Displays the values in scientific format.
    • Fixed - Displays the values in a fixed format.
    1. The value field allows you to increment the current value from 1 to 10 decimal points.
  7. Use the Sum point size (%) value field to specify the size of the summation point.